I found this insect (perhaps not an insect, but small devilish creature all the same) in my bedroom last night. There are a dozen or so creeping around on the porch at night too. I had never seen them before in my life, prior to last week, and now they're everywhere.
The picture gives a decent description, but I'll add some details of my own. They're about an 1/8th of an inch in width and height, and a little under a quarter inch long. They have red eyes that do not appear to be segmented, but the tail does seem to be segmented, with two white tufts coming off the end of it. The younger ones have a bit of green in their exoskeleton, but the adults are brown. They JUMP. HIGH. They walk around as their main form of transportation, but when irritated, they can jump almost 3 feet in the air. SOMEONE must know what this thing is.