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How do I hire someone to adjust my satellite dish? The company itself is out of the question, are there any other types of people that do it?




  1. Blahblah:

    You can probably do it yourself with the help of a mechanically adept friend.  Adjusting the dish is not hard.  The hard part will be getting it set on the right azimuth and elevation for the satellite that you want to aim at from your exact location.  You can probably get the company to tell you these numbers over the phone.  The important number is the azimuth.  Get a good sighting compass.  Add or subtract the magnetic declination for your area to get the magnetic azimuth.  Use the compass at the dish to spot a landmark (a pole or a tree etc.) on the correct azimuth.  Boresight the dish and set the dish to this azimuth.  Then set dish to the approximately the proper elevation.  You may need to use two wooden sticks and a drawing compass to make an angle guide.  Make the final touch-up adjustments of azimuth and elevation while someone is watching the TV for the best possible picture.  If you don't want to do it I think a couple of engineering students could do it for some beer and a few bucks.  (BTW I have assumed that your dish is a classic direct feed dish. I.e. the dish is round and the feed is at the center and looks like a mini version of the big NASA dishes that you have seen.  If it is an offset feed then you have another issue to deal with.)


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