
Satire HELP!!!!?!?!?!?!?

by Guest61039  |  earlier

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Hey, thanks so much for clicking on my question. I have to write a satire for school and I need some help. I was thinking maybe I'd do it on people who make a big deal when they aren't really hurt, or on politcal correctness, or maybe on the show Survivor, how there are people in third world countries that live like that their whole life and don't win even a dollar. I really don't understand the format of a satire or if any of these ideas are good possibilities. Any other ideas? And could someone help me make an outline and pick an idea. The more help the better. I am TOTALLY LOST!!!! Thank you SOOOO much in advance!!!




  1. satire is when take a serious topic and basically make fun of out of all the choices you have there id go wit hpolital correctness

  2. A good place for inspiration is if you watch The Colbert Report at 8:30pm and/or 11:00 on Comedy Central.

    sorry i couldn't be of more help/

  3. Hi,

    In America satire is not well understood. I think your teacher may be testing you here!

    It is the art of taking the obvious and turning it into the the ridiculous by altering just a few words.

    You could describe it to your teacher as "the union of sarcasm and irony, and more subtle than either" .

    Go on! Then we'll see who's the smart ***!

  4. i like the third worl country one, but you should make it about someone complaining LOADS about something really vain, like the electricity went of and she had to wait ten minutes to straigten hair and show people ho live withpout electricty, hope this helps, im not to sure what a satire is myself!!

  5. i looked up your avitar - over 2800 points! and yoooou have the nerve to ask for help. do you think that we are soooo stupid that we buy in to your snivelling that you really don't understand the format of a satire????are you laughing at the niavetie of the answerers behind their backs you rotting pile of fetid hamster droppings HOW DARE YOU we have taken your name...maybe you should return to the fitness section you probably have bulging abs and enjoy standing in front of your mirror and you jump into the arts section and dare ask about satire?????

    you are sooooo totally out of your element. we don't lift weights and eat granola here...we use our minds...mental gymnastics are our fortay.

    so thanks for dropping in but we don't want your kind here

    hope this gives you some ideas!

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