
Satirical Topic?

by Guest33692  |  earlier

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I need a topic on what to write my satirical essay over. It has to be based on a social issue. Not over a book or anything. I was thinking of doing it over hypocrisy or something. I'm not sure.. any suggestions would help!




  1. Doing a satirical essay on hypocrisy and having it based on a social issue would be tough.  One idea that I have is to have a staunch conservative oppose funding for the education of a certain disease.  Have he/she then fall pray to that disease.  Or conversely have a steadfast hippy oppose any expansion of our military and have the homeland overrun.  Both disease and war are social issues at some level.  Either of these topics should be easy enough to point out the fallacies of either argument and do so in a satirical nature.  The characters themselves end up being the satirical content.  I hope that helps.

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