
Saturday jobs for teenagers? ( not a paper round)?

by  |  earlier

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I am 14 ( 15 in july ) i live in cumbernauld near glasgow and like most teens am normally skint, i can never afford all the things my friends have, i am desprite to get a job, but have no idea were to start or what sort of places that would take on a teen . any help is much appriciated :)




  1. shops in ant high street, sport shops are good fun , customers can be a good laugh, male/female flirting is also available, moaning with your colleagues about bosses/customer is also a way of passing time and getting paid ,its a education while you earn a pittance, but fun, book shops for the quieter life what ever you do not restaurants to much like hard work

  2. I know of a 15 year old who is working at a daycare.

    Maybe you should try your local day care and see if they're hiring?

  3. See if any friends or neighbours are looking for a babysitter, someone to take their dogs for a walk, shopping, washing the car/windows, gardening etc. You could also pop into local hairdressers to see if they need someone to sweep up, make tea/coffee etc. Takeaways may want you to deliver leaflets, take telephone orders etc. Good luck!

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