
Saturn in 7th house,Capricorn ascendant, what result come from both, with business & with wife ;partnership??

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what is the nature of my wife and partnership with her?????

in what type or products for partnership business &what result?


in details --- Capricorn ascendant, jupiter in 3rd (pieces), ketu in 4th(aries),mars in 5th(taurus),Satrun in 7th(cancer), moon in 9th(virgo) ,rahu in 10th(libra)and venus in 12th(saggitarian)




  1. Hi,

    At least here's something about 7th house. Sorry that its super short... I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment. And the other thing is, career and work, marriage and partnerships... they are indicated through a series of things and not just isolated instances in your chart.

    So to really see where things point to, it's probably better to scrutinize the entire natal chart.

    I'd also look at your Vertex, and Part of Fortune. Because these indicate certain circumstances which would facilitate your career moves and sense of destiny. The kind of person you attract, and the kind of people you connect with would ne shown in your natal asteroids chart.

    Similarly, the true nature of your wife usually is in her own natal chart. especially  when looking at her natal Ceres, Vesta, Pallas Athene, and Juno.

    The Seventh House

    Partners, Partnerships and open enemies. Shows what your partners and partnerships are like. However, it goes beyond that. It also deals with everyone whom you approach as an equal, including open enemies ("hidden" enemies are shown by the twelfth house).

    Saturn in the Seventh House: tends to delay marriage. In fact, if you have this one, don’t get married or even live with someone (other than a room mate) until you are at least twenty nine years old. You have to wait for Saturn to complete a full cycle around the Sun for things to work out here.

    Early marriages will slowly decay and fail. The partner may be older by at least seven years, and if not a Capricorn, then at least a Capricorn type, solid, dependable, conservative in their private life. Marriage may be for money or security. Watch out. That one frequently backfires on you.

    Conversely, you yourself may become more practical and hard working after marriage. What this placement definitely doesn't favour is a spur of the moment marriage for romantic reasons to someone you just met.

    hope that helped,


  2. A very heavy, slow-moving planet like Saturn in the 7th House

    generally delays or denies marriage.

    Venus the Karaka is placed in the 12th House in the House of Jupiter. This is  not favourable either.

    Watch your step in marital matters. You have not given DOB.

    That makes looking into the matter difficult.

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