
Saturn in the 5th House?

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what does that mean? Saturn in Capricorn.





  1. There are two things to remember when interpreting this. Saturn is your house of restriction. It's kind of like the parent or moral compass that tells us when we're not acting seriously and responsibly. The house that it's in will show you which areas your restrictions will be placed.

    The 5th house is Leo's house, and represents fun and romance. That would show that you may have some restrictions in those areas...maybe taking a too serious approach, and not being able to express yourself easily in these areas.

    You should not let this discourage you! Everyone has Saturn placed somewhere, and it is just one more thing to deal with. You ultimately choose your destiny and the person you want to be. This placing is more like a karmic lesson for you to deal with and overcome, not an ultimate negative prediction of your life. So take a closer look at this placement for understanding purposes, and learn to be the person you want to be, and don't let your restrictions hold you back. : )

  2. I copied this from a site.. orrrr did I?

    A Fifth House Saturn suggests that your career or area of responsibility in the world relates in some way to personal creative projects, love affairs and children. In order to succeed in your social position in the world you will have to gain knowledge and expertise associated with the proper use of personal power, creative self-expression and control of the ego. Life-experience will force you to learn valuable lessons related to the development of a proper sense of values in dealing with matters of creative self-expression, romantic relationships, parenthood, social life and control of your environment generally. Many related confrontations will be afforded to help hasten the restructuring process. Critical examination of the self and ones ulterior motives is required in order to develop a fully-integrated personality. Your profession may deal with investments in lands and property or speculative ventures relating to art, music, schools, places of entertainment or stockbroking.

  3. some restrictions on love life and romance;  a late start on having children or few children; a serious attitude towards fun activities; enjoyment with older people - of course, always affected by other planets in the house and aspects to Saturn.  

  4. Saturn in the 5th house in capricorn is a placement of someone who can be very stingy with matters of money.they mean well,but they are very restrictive.the types that will save money just for school and their children will not have very much free time or do fun things.there will be no shopping for clothing.i am also seeing something with your bones and or teeth.your first child will likely have health problems,especially with the eyes.God Bless

  5. Means you always need to be very helpful and nice with, elderly, poor and disabled. Need to have daily exercise and yoga and avoid bad company and thoughts to be rather extremely successful in life. You can be very stubborn and the best is to use that quality for constructive purposes.

  6. ummmm they told me anout this sorry i cant rememebr when i do ill email to u  

  7. it means someone is trying to separate you from your money.

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