
Saturn is the mother?

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I recently heard that some astrologers believe that Saturn represents a person's mother in their chart. I am wondering, is there anything to this?

Please elaborate?




  1. I am at a point in my studies where I am aware that traditionally the father is Saturn and the mother is Moon. I can see why some astrologers think that Saturn represents the mother. When astrology symbols and meaning were established long ago, roles were much different.

    I think a person should look at whether Saturn or Moon is elevated in the chart. In society today, mothers so often are doing much of the care and often work outside of the home as well to pay the bills.  

  2. Hi Jamie (Y)

    Good question. From charts that i have read, I distintively remember at least 3 charts where Saturn represented just that, the Mother. One chart was from an orphan girl who was adopted by a lady.  This girl referred to mother during our conversation but never the father. She had Saturn & Pluto in 4th which suggested death of a parent or a parent of the opposite s*x mising.  

    She never knew her dad and was left in a foster home. Obviously she had no father to bring her up and Pluto suggested a possibility of adoption when in 4th house. I took Saturn as the mother and pretty well described her mom and how she acted.

    I'm not saying this is set in cement but, it gives food for thought and it applied to the 2 other charts as well where, I took Saturn as the Mother due to the abscence of the father.

  3. I posted this theory a long time ago actually since I seem to be the only one to Huber API qualified on here.

    Huber school teaches that yes because the mother had the primary care of disciplining, teaching what between what is right and wrong and being the main supervisor.

    Sun : represents the father

    moon : represents the child

    Mind you Hugo Huber was Swiss-German and has died a few years ago and might have been one of the "old school" boy.

    Nonetheless if you look at a chart.........a lot of times Saturn does seem to represent the mother although I look at the moon also. It is kind of striking sometimes from one's perspective to find that there is truth in both.

    If you look at the moon and at might get "different stories" but both might be very  true - from one perspective only of course -.

    If Saturn is at the most elevated in a chart, it means that the mother wears the pants. If Saturn finds itself in the 4th house : the mother could have had a lot of psychological influences on the child.


    yes I have found that very often - but not always - saturn does represent the mother. You will be surprised when you think and ponder about Saturn in your chart.

    by the way Huber and Astrodienst have mixed together.

    PS:wow !!! you unblocked me ??? will do the same then.

    PS: I am not 10 and will not be bossed around. You can call it my rants but am only speaking the TRUTH .

    What pic ????

  4. hmmm.....well my saturn is in virgo and my mother is a virgo so that is right.  

    What would that make the father than?  the moon?

    But in my husband's chart his saturn is in Cancer and his mother is a cancer!!!  Wow works both times :)  

    Now with my kids it doesn't cos one has saturn in taurus and the other has saturn in cancer.

    *edit---don't know what else to say...i haven't looked much synastry with my mom...just now looked and her pluto and mars is in virgo too, but i don't know her houses because i don't know her time of birth---she was an orphan .

  5. i have not heard that, in my chart, it seems to correlate more with my father

  6. I thought Saturn was Dad.

  7. I have found it represent my father.  Never, never my mother.  It falls in his sun sign, also.  It, by oppositions, trines...., also defines and correctly explains his relationship with me.  Saturn=Father.

  8. Interesting

    My Saturn is on Scorpio 1st house, conjuncts my sun. My mother's moon is in Scorpio. We are extremely close but argue like crazy and you can always catch us screaming at each other, and 10 minutes later we are best friends again. She drives me nuts to the point that I never want to talk to her again, but we still talk every day

  9. Wow...Saturn as a mom.....

    I envision Saturn as a cross-dressing drag queen Mother.......

    I guess some people have moms like that... a scary way...

    What school teaches that?

    **Sorry, and I really hate being right about it all the time...but you just have to laugh at the predictability of some people..the pure pompousity of it...**
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