
Saudi,Despite strict followers of Islamic laws,especially segregartion of sexes,why divore rates are high?

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"The number of divorces is increasing in the kingdom, with nearly 62 percent of marriages ending in divorce"

"Dr Bakri said some people resort to reckless pronouncements of divorce, not even informing their wives.

"Later, they send papers of divorce to the wives, to their utter shock. There were also cases of sexual intercourse with the divorced women," he said.

"As many as 33 women in the Kingdom get divorced every day which raises the rate of divorce to 20 percent.

the study also revealed that the Eastern Province had the highest divorce rate in the Kingdom with 60 cases a day in 2005. Riyadh comes next where the divorce rate reaches 50 cases daily followed by Tabuk with 29, Hail 34, Asir 16, Mecca 15 and Al-Baha 9 divorces daily. "




  1. saudi soceity is facing more opening towards many islam is a govt matter. or a tradition.

    women getting more exposure than before. as said an unsatisfied woman is not ready to sacrifice her life for the sake of children.

    Abayas are not the sign pious. long thobes beards ghutra are tradition.and mutawwa might scold you if you not wearing one.

    as human right violation watching groups are there muttawwa kept low profile.

    there are some new type of marriages, without liability or responsibily for men. get married and after you are no more interested divorce.

    I for got the term for that.

    eastern province practicing mutaa'.

    @@@it can be due to my poor english.saudi men are less bothered on well being of children. and women every where in same situation sacrifice their life. but now no more.

  2. because they started doing it the western way...

  3. The Eastern Province is a terrible judge and skewer of statistics. But the issue is not with the government but rather people people. The government has many methods of rectifying family issues such as counseling and financial aid for families. And the doors of the scholars are always open for advice.

    Some people are just hasty.

  4. increased materialism, an ever expanding dichotomy between the needs of the young adult generation and the country's politically enforced cultural traditions, and a consequent disillusionment of a saudi youth brought up on privileged lives..

    materialism, greed and power corrupt the health of any society, regardless of race or faith

  5. Because it's so easy to divorce by the Sunni way. All the man has to do is say "I have divorced you" three times and then that's that!

  6. i dont think its that high

    but thanks to the western teachings

    Edit : PS. listen Sara she knows best!

  7. That is very interesting! I am going to read the articles you posted & I think that was a good Question;-)

    Thanks for posting;-)

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