
Saudi Women - I need to ask you some questions please!?

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I am traveling to Saudi Arabia at the end of next month for business. I am planning on wearing the abayah but must i wear the face thing too? I think the amswer is yes, but i need to know. I will be in Riyadh and Jeddah. Also, can i have my hands showing or do i need to wear gloves? what else do i need to know about your culture? what are a list of no no's that i should avoid doing? and if i wear the abayah face thing, how do i blow my nose, drink, eat, etc...I realize these are stupid questions to you, but really i need to know exactly what to do to avoid any problems...this is my first trip to saudi arabia and i will be in the airport alot. what do i need to know there too? plerase be as specific as you can. thanks




  1. high, look I'm living here in Saudi arabia since 25 years and I'm a sudanese you may be given wrong information for what to do in saudi arabia and how people are behaving , the living is so normal as other country only there some islamic requirements we have to follow , before it may be very strict and difficult but now days it is more than normal the only thing you should do is wearAbayah over your normal dress and cover your hair even this there are some community not doing it like Indians and Pakistan they just round their neck with calve < also there is no hands shake with men or you go out with none legal related man especialy in public palace otherwise it is more than normal>

  2. Dear sister...

    no one thinks your questions are stupid, we do realize our culture and religion is so different in many ways for a lot of people...we kind of got used to being asked all sorts of questions..especially about women.

    i'm a saudi woman from jeddah and here are a few quick tips (if you want more detailed info please refer to some of my previous responses on yahoo answers..i have a lot of detailed stuff about women in saudi):

    - in jeddah: you do not have to wear the face cover nor the head scarf if you wish. the Abaya (black coat-like thing), although some do not wear it and walk in long loose fitting clothes it is recomended. it comes in many different styles to suit every me you'll find something you like and after a few days you'll appreciate the many benefits it provides.

    - in riyadh: since it's a bit more strict, the head scarf is required as well as the Abaya...face cover however is not. but if at situations you felt you are more comfortable covering your face or just want to try it out you should know there are different types for those as well: you can cover up the whole face or wear a Burqu that shows the eyes...p.s. for blowing your nose and eating or drinking you lift the cover a bit...don't worry, you'll observe women around you and pick it in no time...

    - basic stuff:when greeting men, extend your hand to shake theirs only when they extend theirs first (some men do not shake womens hands) no kissing on the cheeks (unless you know the guy and know for sure he's ok with it). women shake hands and kiss on the cheek...

    - being on time isn't as strict as it should if people say they're having a meeting at 2, don't be surprised if people start to gather at 2 and the actual meeting starts at 2:30...i'm not saying take your time and be late, but don't be upset or offended if this'll usually get some coffee and light snacks and get the long greetings over with in the mean time.

    - oh yes, the long greetings: when greeted by saudis, they ask how you're doing and how's the family...and if everything is ok and wither you're enjoying your stay, and if there's anything you need.....etc. and repeating some of the questions to it's normal, not being nosy or's just our way in showing we care about you as a person and therefore care about your family, life and overall wellbeing and that we're here to help you if you need anything no matter what it is...that's how arabs are..

    - you'll be offerred a lot of arabic coffee, dates, tea, juices, sweets snacks, salty snacks....etc. humor us and accept some, politley reject any additional refills (unless you want them)...and if you were offerred something you don't know...ask what it is and then try least once, we wont be insulted if you didn't...but it means a lot if you did try it (which is a good thing if you're doing business with us). watching your weight, no problem...cut back on calories before or after your is a social activity here and is involved in all aspects of life..we enjoy food and appreciate those who do the same...and trust me, there are many great things to indulge in...(you could workout or watch your portions while here)

    - don't leave any important documents or equipment laying around in your hotel room or car...although saudi arabia is very safe compared to most get the occassional help that steals or in some areas the illegals breaking into cars to get that cell phone or laptop.

    in general, who ever is working with you (the company you're here with or that you're going to) would take care of most of the petty stuff for you (hotel, transportation, luggage clearance, visa, program and meals) and would leave you to focus on your work and/or enjoy your visit...everyone you'll meet will probably throw a tip or two your way in their attempt to seem friendly or welcoming and helpful (and might confuse you or even scare you while at it...depends on their views)

    in general, you shouldn't have any problems...just be yourself...

    in jeddah it would be easier and more comfortable for you (in my opinion since i'm a local jeddawi) not to mention that there's a lot to do and see in your free time that you'll enjoy...from sea dives, sailing, and seafood to shopping and hooka cafes and all the way to museums and old historical districts...zooming around the city alone would be entertaining due to all the art displayed in round abouts and sidewalks..some by famous international artists. oh, don't forget to see the fountain...

    riyadh however is not that "female friendly" from what i've seen the last time i visited a few years back...but if you have a guide with you, he'll help you out and you'll be ok..there's a great museum there and the towers are a must.

    google some images and facts about jeddah and'll get an idea. if you want email me and i'll send you some key attractions and destinations you might like to visit while in saudi...

    welcome and hope you enjoy your stay.

  3. I'm egyptian, I wear only the abayah and nth else not even a veil so dont worry too much about it!

    Enjoy Shopping!!

  4. I'm American, married to a Saudi.  

    You just need to wear the abaya.  You don't have to wear a scarf, even in Riyadh.  However, it's best if you carry a scarf with you.  A lot of women drape it around their neck or loosely cover their hair with it.

    no-no's - Don't stand too close to men, like in line at the grocery store.  Definitely don't try to shake hands with a Muslim will make him very uncomfortable, and he may or may not shake your hand, but the whole time trying to find a way to avoid contact with a woman.

    I think Mintee and Soul gave you a lot of good information and advice.  I hope you enjoy Saudi Arabia.  

  5. NO. you do not need to wear a face veil...

    Im saudi and I dont, never have and all the women in my family dont.. This is a choice some women do and some dont..

    you dont have to wear gloves either.. that is now getting out dated.. only the extremely religious wear gloves.. some women wear a veil over their face, but no gloves..

    you can just wear a normal scarf and abaya and no veil, no gloves and even go barefooted in sandels if you want.. I do...


    you shouldnt be friendly to men in public unless is a business transaction and you need to discuss something.. never shake his hand.. ...just say thankyou or something and knod your head..

    you are not allowed to flirt or date in saudiarabia... so try not to give the impression you are flirting.. just be polite..

    you can go out when you want.. women do travel alone with no problems.. you can hire a taxi to take you to and fro with no problems

    you can walk down the street with no problem...

    you can go shopping alone with no problem...

    try to be socialable with women you meet, you never know, you'll make loads of friends and might be invited to someones home for tea.. just be open to any women being friendly..

    overall, people are forgiving of westerns mistakes and dont bother you much.. we just smile.. and sometimes someone might help you.. majority of people speak english, so no problem...

    welcome and enjoy yourself ^_^  

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