and he didn't register our marriage or the birth of our children. Will it be a problem? I'm an American citizen and he's Saudi. We live in the U.S. and had our Islamic marriage four years ago, but got married by the court three years ago. We have two children. We plan on moving to Saudi in about two years inshallah. Are my children automatically citizens, or could they have a problem because my husband didn't ask permission to marry me. Any info on this and suggestions on what I should be doing would really be appreciated.
I don't know if any of this makes a difference in his getting permission. I'm a Muslim convert, but I have a paper from the Masjid of my conversion from years before I met my husband. I also have an Arabic name from birth (dad is Lebanese) and it's not a Christian sounding name, so it would not be obvious that I wasn't Muslim from birth. And like I said, I'm an American citizen...