
Saudis,have u read............?

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Girls of Riyadh or banat al riyadh?

wts ur opinion of it?




  1. i'm not saudi , but i did read part of it , i didnt find it interesting , bus some ppl do , i think its not my style , but go ahead & read it , u wont lose thing

  2. its written by those girls viewpoints of their wealthy lifestyle..

    it is NOT a general representation of what all girls life is here. As you probably would say the same about any wealthy spoiled teenager girl in USA... Look at Paris Hilton or Britney Spears.. would you claim your teenage life is like theirs? probably not... Same here.. THese girls are spoiled bored wealthy teens...

    I frankly just thought the book was like an exagerated version of a diary.. nothing more..  

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