
Savage says Austism is a fraud what is your take on this?

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Savage said on the radio that Autism is a fraud. I know I am angry and think he should be fired. I have SPD and SID which are miled forms of Autism.

What do you think should be done about this?




  1. I, too, have central nervous system problems and my sister has a son with Asbergers. He was autistic his first six years or so, but good treatments have helped him improve. I can tell you it's no fraud when I had to spend years teaching myself to read other's reactions and think about what I say and do.

    Savage is a fraud. His name is Weinstein, for starters. And he got very angry when his letters to Alan Ginsburg about his g*y fun in the Fijis were released.

    He's being dropped by stations across the nation. Even in deeply red Mississippi, the FM talker that carried him with good ratings dropped him flat, with a statement saying it's one thing to attack politicians, businesses and other adults, but when you attack disabled children, we don't want you.

    I admire them, for they stand to lose income for making a principled move.

  2. Radio talk show hosts are often just looking to stir up controversy, because controversy gets attention, and attention gets ratings.  

    That being said, talk show hosts often know little to nothing about the topics that they bring up in order to get audience reaction.  I did not actually hear the Savage rant, so I won't comment specifically on what he said.

    However, to play devil's advocate here, I am both a family member and a teacher of people who have autism.  While it is true that there are certain situations in which a person with autism is purely pushed past their limit, there are also situations in which a person with autism (or who has a diagnosis of autism) is excused from his or her misbehavior simply because of the diagnosis.  I had a student whose grandma made the distinction between what was "Jack's" autism and what was his "naughty-ism."  I really liked this distinction - it showed that the family was aware of difficult behaviors that were a result of being autistic in a neurotypical world, as well as behaviors that were the result of bad choices made by the child.

    Clearly autism is a real condition that affects millions of people, and clearly we have a responsibility to guide people with autism into behavior that best enhances their ability to be functional and comfortable in mainstream society.  Savage is just a media jerk, but there is a conversation to be had here.

  3. For me ADHD/ADD is a fraud for the most part, but autism certainly is NOT a fraud. It is very, very real. I can't believe Savage said this...but apparently, he's allowed due to the Bill of Rights....which is enraging. I think he should be fired for having been so rude and insensitive to parents and children who suffer from this.

  4. I have worked with my share of students with autism. None of them were miss diagnosed. Savage is not a doctor. Non can he diagnosed any one with or with autism. I'm glad he retracted this claim. But the damage may have been done to thought that may question any diagnosed condition. The key is Early detection and intervention.

    I work at this time with low functioning teenagers with autism. I know that their parents would take a bratty kid any day. His comments just shows the narrow mindedness of someone that does not know what he is talking about.

    The reason that more people are being diagnosed with autism is the testing is better. Autism cannot be faked.

  5. he is a jerk

  6. I believe he should be fired for saying rude things like that. I have friends who have autism.

  7. There are stupid people and brats everywhere; he is one of them!

    The best thing to do is to NEVER listen to these nuts, and to make your feelings known to all of those companies who would sponser them.

  8. My 4 year old cousin also has a minor case of Autism, and this October will be the 2nd year that i do the walk for Autism. So, obviously- i do not think it is a fraud! That is rediculous and ignorant for someone to say something like that!

  9. OH!...i am very upset of what he said, and my nephew has autism and he's a very smart kid. how dare he would say stuff like this, and you know what, parents of kids who has disabilities should prepare them for a tough world. this proves to me what type of person that he is. People like him are very closed minded.

  10. As far as I know, SPD and SID are the same thing. Sensory processing disorder. They usually coexist with other issues, like autism, CP, etc. SPD is not technically classified on the autism spectrum, but there is progress in making it it's own "official" diagnosis.

    My issue with Savage is his focus on MALES with autism. Well, explain me and my daughter!

    I'm not worried about what's done, because when he's gone someone else will say the same things.

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