
Savannah Monitor?

by Guest57780  |  earlier

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I got a baby monitor and I have been reading up on them before I got him and I am getting mixed information some sites say you dont need uvb and some say you do. So anyone with a savvy that could help would be great. Thanks




  1. Monitors needing UV lighting is a topic that is highly debated.

    Other monitor topics that you'll find different opinions on are:


    The feeding of dog or cat food (good or bad)

    Whether or not they make good pets

    How big they get

    How long they live

    If you'd like to hear my opinion on the subjects, I'll be more than happy to give it.

  2. if a reptile eats whole rodents as a stable diet or is nocturnal UV-b exposure s not needed for  the physical well being of the animal. but the psychological effects on these same animales are hotly debated in this hobby . the FACTS are it wont hurt, it could only help.

  3. savannahs dont strictly need uv but it has been show to be extremely good for them and that  savs with uv lights are healthier and more active

    so i would say get one
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