
Save a bird?

by  |  earlier

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ok so the cat i stray cat in our backyard i asked about like an hour ago? well it tried to catch a bird. the bird escaped into our screened-in porch but is now very injured. we got it into a shoe box and im afraid to check if its dead or not. i dont want to let it die because it has a nest of little chicks that just hatched about a week ago to take care of. anyone know what to do to help, if anything?




  1. If a cat injured the bird, it is as good as dead, I am sorry to tell you. But a cat is designed to kill birds and their salval (sp) is posioness to birds so the slightless scrach from the mouth of a cat and that bird is going to die unless you get it to a vet. That is nature, I am soirry to say.

    Keep it warm and comfertable and maybe she might pull out. But there is not much else you can do.

  2. hmm.... you could put peroxide all over it with a cottonball, and look after it in the shoebox until you know it is able to survive on its own.
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