
Save gas or drive fast?

by  |  earlier

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Would you guys save gas by driving slow with cruise control on at around 70mph and look like a fool to other drivers ?

or drive fast around 80 and waste gas and to prevent yourself to look like a fool and be called a slow turtle?




  1. LOOK like a fool for driving under 70???

    If anything driving over 70 looks like a fool - especially with high gas prices.

    Good Luck...

  2. i guess i,ll be called the slow turtle because i drive under the speed limit right now,we all really need to think  this gas thing through really good,we all need to save as much as possible,who knows it might help ,either it will or it wont,but one thing is for sure i stopped making unnecessary trips,and i do watch my speed really close now,it helps me save a few penny's,good luck.

  3. I haven't cared about what other people think about me for years.

    There is more to this question then you are ready for.

  4. They will really be laughing when they see you pulled over with cherries and berrys in your rearveiw mirror. I've been through my teen years driving my 73 Mustang wide open throttle leaving my tire marks everywhere but its just not worth it. Gas is now outrageous and driving fast you risk your life and your car. So just lean back your seat, turn up the radio, and just take it low and slow... :)

  5. Look like a fool?  What planet do you live on?

    What part of "speed limit" do you not understand?  If you want to drive at 80 mph, you'll be the one that looks like a fool when you get pulled over or get in a crash, whichever happens first.

  6. money is out of your pocket. you can make fun of them when you see them spending all their time at the pump.

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