
Save photos played around with on wii photo channel to SD card or any other way?

by  |  earlier

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So i inserted my SD card into my wii and played around with a couple of photos and really made a good frame and cute picture of me and my gf but now we want it on the SD card and are trying to find ways to transfer the fun picture to anything so we can print it.

Any tips?




  1. I have a wii and unfortunatly thats just for fun and you can't save it.  I feel your pain.  I wish I could have saved some of the pictures I messed around with.  Sorry I couldn't be more help!

  2. Ok i think i can help. Even though i don't have a wii yet i will be getting one soon.

    1. You save your photo

    2. Take the SD Card Out

    3.Insert into computer and print.

    4.Take it to a printing station

    NB:I don't have a wii but will be getting one very soon so my answer may not be CORRECT.

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