
Save the... Penguins????

by  |  earlier

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what are some of the causes of the endangerment of emperor penguins? i know that they're not on the endangered list yet, but they're verging on it. If you could give me any information or websites for refrence, please do. thanks :)




  1. Global warming

  2. Treat the disease, not the symptoms.

  3. "The Emperor Penguin, along with nine other species of penguin, is currently being considered for placement under the Endangered Species Protection Act. The primary reasons for this are declining food availability due to the effects of climate change, and industrial fisheries on the crustacean and fish populations. Other reasons for their placement on this list include such things as disease, foreign and introduced predators (this is more so for the other species of penguin than it is the Emperor), habitat destruction, and disturbance at breeding colonies by humans. The ruling for this will be introduced by November of this year, with protection commencing one year after."

  4. Try Wikipedia or the WWF website?


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