
Saving COLLIN the BABY whale in SYDNEY.?

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Dengate and ORCA and nsw WS... have acted too late for colin they spent nearly a week (discussing)the ramefercations on colin rather than acting promptly for colin to get some first few days now its been over a week ..and thier dissicion is to euthinase colin today..but they cant find him hope he escaped ..they the (authourites) have put the japanese question of whale killing back to the 70,s now thier actions has turned around and bite us on the bum.japan will laugh at us now they will never take us serious..there should be exceptions in authorities and thier laws for helping whales.i dont know how you feel but if i saw a baby fox or baby possum abbandon i would feed it till maturerity and let it go in the wild after..why did the authorities think diffrent..its not right what they did...whats you view on this matter/




  1. You can't feed a baby whale. He needs 1 tonne of whale milk every day.... ... let's face reality... have you ever thought how difficult it would be to milk a whale! Even if you could hold the darn thing still for long enough it would flipper the bucket and you would have to start all over again.

    Krill from antarctica by the swimming pool full every day....

    The poor little bugga was sick... there can be no doubt why its mother abandoned it here... it was to preserve the rest of the pod from infection. You can wait until the autopsy....

  2. Oh great Zoltan... just what do you think we should feed Colin?

    They don't carry whale formula down at the local 7-11 mate!

    And the Australian authorities have their hands full tackling recalcitrant human parents... let alone cetaceous life forms!

    You want to do something positive... you go get yourself a tinny mate, and you go and feed Colin.  Let us know how that's working for you!

    My one mistake Zoltan, is thinking you're an adult.

    It now occurs to me you are a child - possibly a young teen.

    Don't ask "whats you view on this matter/", unless you are adult enough to accept that not everyone shares your view/ideals.

    As for my "attitude" (a sign of your immaturity)... you have no clue what my attitude is.

    My belief is that an animal shouldn't suffer.

    There's nothing humanity can do for Colin.

    All we can do is put the poor little creature out of its misery.

    Nursing a possum is not even on the same scale as nursing a baby humpback whale.

    And foxes are a noxious pest.  No one's going to thank you for hand-rearing a fox.

    I suggest you get an education; and learn how to spell and punctuate.

    When you are grown-up enough, you'll realise that euthanising Colin is a greater kindness than letting the poor thing starve to death and ultimately drown.

    The thing that disappoints me about Colin is that in "disappearing", it's highly likely that the poor creature suffered a horrible death from shark attack.

    Hope your day improves.

  3. its too late for is very sad thathe was put to sleep,but the alternative was that he die slowly by starvation.move on.maybe now that the whale is dead,you can pay attention to the thousands of people suffering around the world.

    P.S.if you take a baby animal in and feed it to maturity,you cant just let it go,it will be dependant on you and wont be able to forage for food and it will die of starvation.looks like your just as bad as the authorites you hate so much.

  4. Zolton it seems to have escaped your attention that this beautiful baby whale had not yet been weaned from it's mother.. and was still at the milk drinking stage... IT could not yet eat krill. Just as human babies can not digest solids...

    they tried to seek a solution that would have saved It's life but even from all around the globe .. no advice could be given.

    I understand your dismay... it was a very very sad thing  but life is not always fair ( speaking of life in the animal kingdom.)

    I give a hoot... and I feel sad about what happened... but i don't believe there was anything else that could have been done. Better to have it euthanised than torn apart by a shark.

  5. it is dead now was put down

    better for it than starving to death

  6. The National Parks and other slow acting bureaucratic bumbling govt departments killed Collette.

    She could have been saved with effort and will.

  7. Its too late..

    They couldnt really save him, he was suffering too much.. He needed a mother whale to feed him.. So how do you think they were supposed to do that? Do you see anyone with huge whale b***s?

    If they let him swim out to sea by himself, he would have suffered more. But they've put him out of suffering now..

    They couldnt transfer him to a zoo or whatnot, because he might have diseases.. And if he did, he would kill all the other animals that share the water with him..

    Japanese whale killing is a different story mate. They choose to slaughter healthy whales, the whales they slaughter arent sick at all. They hunt them! .. Collin just happened to wander around where he shouldnt have, if he was out in the sea, then the public wouldnt know about him. It happens alot in the wild.. He was suffering, but now he wont be suffering anymore.

    I'm not being negative here.. Its just the aweful truth. There really wasnt anything they could do for Collin, so they had to put him out of misery...He coudlnt even breathe properly anymore..

    PS. How could he have found his mother when its been a week? She has been swimming for a week, so she is a week away from here. How is the poor baby whale going to catch up before he dies? Thats impossible, unless another mother whale adopts him... but she would probably only do that if she lost her baby as well.

    He was sick, thats probably why he was abandoned.. The mother saved the pod  whales Collin was in from getting sick aswell

    EDIT: Collin is at a stage where he cant eat yet, he is still on his mothers milk .So getting a truck load of krill to him would be pointless, he wouldnt eat it at all. If he could eat, then he would have been fine..

    And yeah, dont nurse a fox back to health, those are introduced animals, not native.. No one would be thankful

  8. Colin/Colette is no more, she has been euthanized which was the kindest thing that anyone could do for her. It just amazes me how people can be so  passionate about whales and animals but choose to turn a blind eye to the amount of abused and neglected children we have in Australia. and who gives a sh*t about the what the  Japanese think. Get Real!

  9. Well I think its all too late, because on this morning news, they can't even find Colin, so whether or not the Aboriginal whale whisperer did some good yesterday and colin has headed back out to see, we don't know as yet. So maybe later on today we will here some more on colin.

  10. I want to cry.

    Rest in Peace, Colin, he was "put to sleep" a few hours ago.

    They could have at least TRIED to feed him.  They just talked, instead of doing...if it failed then they should have let it be.

    To the first person who answered, they should have tried feeding him, and if it failed then let nature take its course.  They should not have stepped in and given him the lethal jab.  I would have been much happier for nature to take its course than have humans kill him, it's exactly what the Japanese do.  Kill whales.  

    What's it gonna be next?  The poor shark coz now it's starving coz it didn't get a mad feed of whale? Sharks need a feed too!  If they eat the whale then so be it.

    Do you see humans stepping in to remove the carcasses of whales that die naturally?  NO.  They should have tried to feed, it more than likely would have failed but at least they could have said they tried.

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