
Saving Money/Allowance???

by Guest59398  |  earlier

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My parents gives me $40 a week and I wanna save up for my vacation's pocket money(at most a $1000) next year. How do I encourage myself to save up money instead of buying useless things.

Especially since school is starting again!





  1. Congratulations for taking the responsibility of saving for vacation.  A skill to delay gratification is so rare these days that even most adults have never acquired.

    Here are some suggestions to help you out.

    Have your parents open a saving account for you and put the money directly into the saving account.  Whenever you want to spend the money, you'll have to go to the bank.  Harder to get to the money always help people to save.

    Calculate how many weeks you have until the vacation, so you know the rate you need to save and how much extra you have if you'd saved every penny.  Once you know that there is some extra, you can set milestone and reward yourself.  For example, give yourself a treat when you reach $250 mark.  

    Saving money is a very mature thing to do.  You are already ahead of your school mates.  

    Best wishes.

  2. just say save save svae or you can go to

    its quick fast money!! i made 30 dollars in less than 10 mins! and its free!

    I made 1300 dollars in one month!

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