
Saving big money on rent? How does this idea sound? Info on details?

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Okay I believe rent right now is anywhere between $500.00 to $1000.00 a month depending on the home or apartment. Normally when we rent a home or apartment, the rent pay depends on 3 things, how nice the home, the location of the home and how big it is. But what if there could be a small enough apartment that it could be so small efficient that you'd only pay $50.00 to $200.00 the very most. And when i say small, i mean small! Like image a king or queen size bed. Well the living room would twice the size of a king or queen size bed and u'd probablly only want a double bed for that place. there be no bed rooms, no dining rooms, no extra storages, no balcony. And the kitchen would be extremly small just enough to have a fridge, cook the food, clean dishes. Same goes for the shower room with tiolet and sink.It be small, but if it was only 50.00 to 200.00 a month the most, not to also mention how extemly cheap ur AC and heater electric bill would be since it only operate on such a small room. Chances are this won't be happening soon. But even if it did happen soon that they build such a small efficient home, the investors would probablly get greedy and try to charge like $350.00 to $400.00 atleast. Anyways if it could be $50.00 - $200.00 and stay that cheap for a extremly small efficient place, would you consider living in a small place?




  1. There is a high fixed cost for any self sufficient apartment  because  of plumbing cost for a toilet which must have  a vent to the roof closer than 2 feet for escaping sewer gas which is explosive.  Therefore you can not just scale down the  area to get to 50 dollars. That is why dormitories and cheap hotels have shared baths.  

  2. it's called a studio apartment, and it's already been thought of.

  3. My friend in Fargo, ND paid $150 bucks a month for a 200 square foot apartment.  Its already been done.  Studios suck but they are cheap.

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