
Saving planet vs saving lives?

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should we consume our economical efforts into saving lives (that are threatned as we speak on a daily basis from hunger, ethnic cleansing, wars etc..) or should we consume it on something that will not happen for another thousand years (the global warming effects). Global warming is important but it is not a pressing issue, there are more urgent problems to fix in this world that need our attention right now (hunger ,disease, war). what do you think




  1. On what do you base your statement that global warming effects "will not happen for another thousand years"?

    That's completely contrary to what the scientific experts have concluded.  They have stated that we need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by the year 2050 or we won't be able to prevent catastrophic climate change.

    And the World Health Organization estimates that 150,000 people are dying annually as a result of the effects of global warming right now, and this number will double in 20 years.

    You appear to be misinformed.  The planet cannot "heal itself" if we're altering its climate, unless you consider killing humans who are causing the climate change to be "healing itself", in which case I'd really rather avoid that scenario.

  2. The issue of Global Warming and the others can be addressed all in one if a person were to apply a system of putting in Green Power and Green Socialism. The idea less emphasis on Big Box Stores and more on local stores with local produce. The idea food to be free that is already paid for either by money to The Government or an even distribution of cash. The idea none have to pay for their food. This may not help all situations but could reduce hunger. There would be less chance of war if similar ideas were to be adopted by other nations as selfishness and monetary desire would be less prevalent. Current process of Greed leads to an Evolutionary Cul De sac

  3. I certainly hope that the Earth heals itself. And I am doing what I can do to end the excessive consumption that most American's don't even think twice about. (by taking showers, only doing large loads of clothes, driving as minimally as possible and when I do I carpool, recycling bottles, paper and cans, turning off lights when I leave the room, unplugging the tv when not in use, shopping at second hand stores, purchasing new items like food at local stores...etc.) The best way for Earth to heal itself is to bring on some more natural disasters to cleanse away all these humans and their excessive ways. Never hear about natural disasters killing the animals, huh?

  4. Agreed.  Additionally there is little evidence that Man has little to do with global warming.  In fact, the same rates of change in Earth's atmosphere are currently being detected in Mars atmosphere pointing to the conclusion that this has more to do with a natural cycle of our sun than it has to do with any one action.

  5. global warming could cause much more damage then you give it credit for and up to 6 degrees C by 2100 is hardly natural or insignificant.

  6. Saving the planet from global warming WILL save lives.

    Africa can barely feed itself already.  Damage to agriculture from global warming will starve many people.

    The next step will be desperate people fleeing across national borders, and war.

    There's a reason the IPCC got the Nobel PEACE Prize.

  7. I think that the money should be split, as it is. But there should be less of a focus on Global Warming (a theory) and more focus on cancer and aids. (a proven fact)

  8. We should work on both... to save now and the Future People who wont be able to do anything because its our fault...

  9. Yeah, global warming means very little when you are blown to pieces by a suicide bomber.

  10. Bjorn Lomborg is an environmentalist who believes in global warming, but thinks that are bigger issues to deal with, and that the panic over global warming is unwarranted.

  11. Jef s is totally right about the whole thing. Hellooo its not like its gonna kill us if it happens anyway!!! we should focus on saving our own skins, im sure the earth can survive a few more billion yers.

  12. This  hunger, ethnic cleansing, wars etc..that you speak of comes from those in Power. .

    In 1998 at a Bilderberg Meeting in Copenhagen ,an American states man stated that their Agenda demanded a lowering of the world population by 60%,

    And now a possible nuclear war looms in the near future .

    So WHO is going to do the saving of lives ????

    they want less people ,NOT more

    did you see Michael mores movie Sicko?,that was not exactly about saving lives either.

    Most governments feel that saving the planet( or maintaining their control over it) ,is much easier with less people ,not more who are saved .

    So I ask again WHO WILL DO THE SAVING?

    Apart from all that what is more important the Planet or the people ,can we live with out a healthy Planet??????

    When extinction or survival ,becomes an issue ,arrogant individuality becomes irrelevant ,only  the concept of a specie remains.

  13. You make a very good point. Saving lives is really imminent, while the planet will eventually renew itself, with or without our help. Man can only destroy himself and the Earth will still have the capacity to revive a million years hence, peopled by entirely new and different civilizations -- maybe better ones. The thing is this: Do we or don't we want to make a better future for ourselves and our children? That is man's ultimate quest  and destiny -- so I say let's save the planet. Thanks for your thoughtful question.

  14. The VAST MAJORITY of the petroleum we use is not spent feeding the hungry or stopping ethnic cleansing.  Most is used in transportation.  People could save a lot of energy by buying using public transportation or walking, but most in the US choose not to.  In fact, many choose the most fuel ineffecient vehicles they can find (trucks and SUVs) to drive themself around.  Your neighbor choosing to drive a Ford Excursion instead of a Honda Civic is going to stop ZERO wars!  In fact wastefully burning oil may CAUSE wars by causing us to need more in the Middle East.

    By your additional details it looks like you already made up your mind so I am not sure what you are asking.

  15. I vote "C. none of the above"  

    I'll take care of me and mine, everyone else take care of themselves (and if they can't, more for me).  

    Try being one with the planet...survival of the fittest is nature's way to insure balance.

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