
Saving the environment: how can KIDS help?

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i mean, like easy stuff that kids can do EASILY. i'm talking like 12- 15 year olds.





  1. Well, some of the things that kids can do, like everyone said, is conserve energy. Turn off your light when your not using it. Even with your T.V or computer, turn it off or put it on standby.  Kids can also stop littering, and recycle their bottles or papers. I see a lot of kids throwing away bottles and paper in the trash in my school. If everyone tried to do all these things, I think we can make a difference.

  2. One tool that is available to those 12 to 15 years of age who have a desire to make a powerful and positive affect on the environment is networking and is fairly easy to use. Those 12 to 15 years of age are part of a very large network and can be capitalized on fairly easily. For example how many students in an average 12 to 15 year old school just in the US only? Now multiply that number by all school in the US, this is a pretty impressive number. Now get everyone in those schools on any give day to turn off that light  and pick up that trash, the effect is much great and is still easy to do. With the help of the educators in those schools and the computer this can be achieved fairly easily, good luck hope this was of some use to you.

  3. Kids can also find ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.

    Some easy projects might be how can you turn an old T-shirt into a grocery bag so you do not use up paper and plastic!

    Think about how you buy you have to put your lettuce or carrots into a plastic bag to buy them>  What else could you use over and over again!

    If you eat cereal, is there anything you can do with the boxes they come in? I use them in lots of arts and crafts projects, and even as spill mats for when I work with messy stuff.

    Try really hard to think about all the plastic that gets used in soda bottles, and water there another way to get your drink without the waste?  Ever think about making your own soda? We used to buy the Hires soda syrups int he grocery store, and make our own root beer and ginger ale.

    Try having a "create a thing" day.  Write down ideas of "things" that get thrown out. Draw a "thing" from a bunch of paper scraps, and everyone bring one of them - and think about what you can make out of it instead of throwing it out- like old jeans, or old shoes, or anything you can think of!

    How can you re-use it instead of tossing it out!?!

    Good luck


  4. Pick up trash in areas that border parks and waterways.  Even something like that is fun if you do it with family or friends.

    Find a park nearby that has a land steward program where volunteers can help remove invasive plant species and plant native species.

    Do fundraisers that support restoration in the community.  Wash cars, recycling, etc.

    Pick a subject and learn more about it. Use that subject to discover more about related topics.

  5. Here Are Some Ways

    -Save energy by turning off the light when you leave your room.

    -Save trees, which are used to make paper, by using a lunch pail, rather than a paper bag each day.

    -Pick up litter that you see in your neighborhood and recycle whatever can be recycled - aluminum cans, glass, paper, cardboard, plastic things.

    -Ride your bike or walk, when you can, rather than ride in a car.

    -Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth.

    -Use less water in your bath or shower.

    -Use both sides of a piece of paper when drawing, coloring or writing.

    -Recycle everything: newspapers, bottles and cans, aluminum foil, etc.

    -Plant a Tree

  6. Stop demanding the newest toy from China which you will throw away or break within a couple days anyway.    Buy something durable made in America.

  7. kids can help by riding their bikes instead of riding in the car to their friend's house. lets can help pick up trash in the park, and clean the pond. also, kids should be acknowledge of trash cans instead of littering illegally.

  8. well even if you can get kids to remember to turn off their bedroom lights when they arent in the room (really does help, not only with saving the planet but with saving money)...uh well if you or your kids are like me and do their own laundry you can simply ask them to wash their clothing in cold water (cold water not only is better for you clothing but also saves money)....umm walking to school if possible helps.....if they want to hang out with friends carpooling with them helps...

  9. Kids could turn off the water faucet while they r brushn their teeth (& while takn a shwr).

  10. Plant any type of plants that are native to the area... they can seed them indoors. They can learn to recycle, walk insted of having parents drive them. They can cut down on their intake of bottled waters/ individual sodas, make a rain barrell for the house and use this water for the garden, choose to buy organic foods/ clothing when they have the option. And of course, they can become vegetarians which does have a huge environmental impact.

  11. you could pick up trash and other litter!idk!

    please pick me for the best answer!!!!

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