
Saving todays knowledge for future generations. Is it worth it?

by Guest10725  |  earlier

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This question appeared in my mind today, when I was thinking about a machine which could save todays books for the future generations. Well, the global warming is here, and maybe another ice age, so, the population will be cut to 2-3 billion soon, and todays technology will dissapear, and it will need some time to discover it again.(it's not fiction) Now, I was thinking about the Alexander library, and about lots of books that were destroyed there, and that times knowledge that those books contained. Why letting that happen again? Will it be worth to save our todays knowledge, so that the future (after 1000 year) generations will progress faster than we do? If it will be worth it, than I have a modern solution.

Sumerians use clay to store their knowledge.

We can use thick alluminum for the same purpose. Print the books on alluminum, burried them deep, and when the time come, the new generations will learn about us. "If it worth it, let me work it."(Missy Elliot) :-)




  1. yes cause future needs better than today...

    did you see the flying cars in the future? no traffic!!! & the robot maids?? what a blast! and the dry pills that can turn into fresh food? i love it! so it's gud

    but in later future like 2996 or 3000 & up robots will take over the world & we'll all be zoo people

    don't worry this part is just a gues ☺

  2. It's a matter of opinion. Humans, as we are, are selfish creatures. It is not a matter of...whether or not it is possible. Of course it's possible and probably too with your suggestion. But we, being selfish creatures, probably don't want to spend the time, the money or the effort into creating something for someone we probably would never meet and who would also probably never know what we've done. It's actually quite pointless, if you ask me.

    And frankly, I do not believe that technology is such a wonderful thing. It would be nice to discover the other parts of life on your own. Look at us now. We spend the majority of the time on the computer and many of us haven't got a clue on how to survive if these technologies and/or machines are taken away.

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