
Saving trees?

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my teachers always tried to use less paper to "save trees." other people do this too. people think that if u use a little less paper, ull save a tree. from wat iv read, it takes 1600 bs of paper to save ONE tree. the tree cutting companies arent ganna cut down less trees just because some teachers use less paper. now if a whole state or country stopped using paper, then obviously ur ganna save a lot of trees but i dont see that happening in the near future. there still ganna be cutting down trees. and also, trees are a resource that u can grow back. i no a tree doesnt grow fully overnight but still, THEY CAN COME BACK. just want to no wat u think about it(and i no all of the enviornmentalists are ganna yell at me)




  1. You are right, they are a renewable resource. We can replant and grow trees to keep up with the demand.  Timber harvesters are in it for the money.  They manage their forest land so that they can have a crop every year.  If they were to willy nilly harvest all of their trees with no regard for the future they would soon be out of business, and that would be very bad business.  There is actually more acreage of forest land in the U.S. now than there was when Columbus came over.  When the demand starts to put pressure on the supply then the price of wood products will increase.  Then we will all use less, because the pocketbook  is a great motivator for Americans.  

    As far a global warming is concerned:  Greenhouse gasses (CO2) are stored as wood in the tree.  When a tree is cut down the carbon is still stored as wood.  A new tree is planted and it begins storing carbon.  Young trees store carbon at a faster rate than old trees, so by harvesting and replanting they are actually doing good for global warming.

  2. I think that saving trees is important because it will soon pay off even if it does not now. Just think about when your older you will be able to appreciate being GREEN.

  3. Saving papers will help reduce the destruction of forest.

    When I print, I used 2-pages per sheet method, or sometimes 4 or 3 pages per sheet method, so it can be printed on both side to conserve papers.

    Saving papers reduce cutting off trees.

    Monkeys, Gorillas are endangered because of their forests are being destroying due to careless people who doesn't care about nature.

  4. With 1 trillion people on this planet if everyone saved one piece of paper every day it really adds up. To suggest that the numbers are insignificant, wait a couple years and you have 2 trillion people and so no. Every tree is a life that  helps make air that we breath. I hope you don't live in a box your whole life, because this eco-system, (earth) needs our attention. Think about your fellow man, we need your help.

  5. I agree that they will come back, but that is where my agreements stop. I know that trees will come back, but it takes years for them to come back. I would buy recycled paper products first, then if push comes to shove then somehow find a way to make amends with buying "unrecycled" paper.

  6. good for your teacher

    i know that you think that one person can not make a difference, but if 50 teachers like yours choose to make the same choices, it adds up considerably

    lots of peple choose to use less paper

    trust me, it all adds up

  7. yes ..

    i agree with you

    less using papers a lot of tree can be save..


    tree also can protect us from global warming..

  8. Know, not no.  That's funny how you put on your helmet for the bashing.

    You're correct, in a way, because there are better ways to make an impact, but every little bit helps, especially if everyone gets involved.  The numbers do add up quite considerably.  And why not learn a way of life that is sustainable...  (within our means)?
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