
Saw a dead human body hanging from a tree?

by  |  earlier

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Called the police they took it away.

I want to throw up x424923470 rite now

how do i calm my hysterics/am i going to have nightmares forever.




  1. Firstly, I'm really sorry you saw this. Words cannot describe an encounter with an actual dead body, and I understand that you must be very upset.

    As for advice, there's not much I can suggest that alters from other suggestions here, except that I would consider some sort of outside aid to help you get over this horror. There are the Samaritans, and also plenty of professional counseling services out there that you may find it helps to turn to.

    If recurrent nightmares, flashbacks or periods of exceptional jumpiness become a problem, it may be possible that the experience has left PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder. This would be unusual, but do remain vigilant for persistent symptoms.

  2. go to that will calm you down

  3. Will go away in a couple weeks/months. Remember the mind is just like any machine, including your body. What you put in is what you get out. You might find it helpful to surround yourself with good things, or things you enjoy (uplifting things), including people - and avoid violent movies/imagery and talking about the body.

  4. i actually thought i saw a dead body hanging from a tree today was DEAD scary. i'm not even just sayin it was just dark shadow of a tree trunk

  5. exercise

    talk to somebody about it

  6. The best way to calm yourself down?

    Go back in time and avoid seeing it.

    The whole nightmare thing is likely to happen, because you saw something so traumatic. For now, try to do things to get your mind off of it. Do something you enjoy and try to forget about it. I mean really try. Don't focus on forgetting it, that'll make it worse. I'm saying focus completely on something else.

    To calm yourself down, try taking in a few deep breaths and close your eyes for a few seconds. I do this after an earthquake, so it really helps. I don't know if it'll help with...dead bodies, but it's worth a try.

  7. Try to do something that might occupy your mind, like reading or something.  maybe you can see a doctor as another alternative.

  8. First, I'm sorry you saw that.

    It will probably really give you the heebie jeebies for a few days. But you have to understand that the world is full of atrocities like this. I hate knowing the things I've seen. But I never let it consume me, otherwise, you might be there. Just keep your head up and do the normal things you do every day. But for a few days try to keep busy and active, it will help your stress level.

    If you still are having problems like nightmares or are scared after a while, I would actually consider going to talk to a professional once or twice. They can help you out.

    It's unfortunate that individual did that. Just know life is short and some people can't handle it. Do your best to remain a good friend to those you care about and while I hope you can get over the image in your head, turn it around to tell people about it and hopefully you can one day help someone that is in that much pain out.

    Hang in there!

  9. Oh you poor dear. It's a shame you had to see such a horrible sight. The best advice I can give you is that Time will Heal everything. It the meantime try pretending like nothing at all happened. Best of luck

  10. gosh how disturbing.... I bet the people who took it away felt exactly what your feeling on there first day on the job.. You will be fine love

  11. i'm so sorry

    i think you need to be around other people right now... could you possibly stay at a friends house? stay away from anything frightening or violent. i would suggest having some counseling.  

  12. well i had sort of the same thing happen to me,

    while crossing the street a man got ran over and killed as did my dog.

    i was scared,sad,mad, and everything. i was speechless i didn't have anything to say. i felt bad your just, um how do i say well its like your surprised and you dint know what to expect something like that i hope i helped even though i have not done much =] well im sorry all im trying to say is youll soon get over it dont worry.

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