
Saw a girl ghost?

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Saw a girl ghost?

I was in the car with my mom, she was driving, we go past a gas station and I see a little girl standing looking my direction outside in the gas station parking lot beside the air for tires thing, she looked like she was out of a black and white movie, black dress, blonde, pale, I look back and shes not there.. I asked my mom if she saw her and she just looked back at the gas station and said no, I didnt see her again either

this was a while ago

I thought if you see a ghost, they want your help so they can rest in peace and what not, so I thought it was weird that I didnt see her again

that girl wasnt there when I looked back like 0.2 seconds later, there were no cars or no one in that gas station

shes still like burned into my memory

wtf was it




  1. Britt, maybe you saw a ghost. The world is full of unanswered things.

  2. You may have seen what is called a "full body apparition". They are one of the rarest types of ghost sighting, and if you saw it in the daytime that is even more rare.

  3. Unfortunately no can answer in any meaningful way what you may have seen or experienced because we simply were not there.

    The most normal every day explanation would be that it was a real girl and she went somewhere else by the time you looked back. This explanation would have to be eliminated first and this would be almost impossible to do.

    What you experienced is called a one off event (meaning that it happened one time). This is true im most UFO cases and makes them near impossible to investigate.

    If you were dedicated enough you could run an add in your paper and mention the time and date and ask the person to come forward.

    Other explanations could include a ghost (surviving spirit or recorded image are both theories of ghost).

    Another theory is that something happened at the site involving a girl and you picked up the information via ESP and projected an image to bring the information to conscious awareness.

    One could research the area for wrecks and such but without a firm date this is very difficult to do but some police reports are filed by location and you could try that. Even older police records though eventually get stored away and are harder to access.


  4. I think this happens to lots of people. In case you're interested in ghost stories/legends...The Legend of Bloody Mary  is coming on Ghost Whisperer in just a few minutes (at 8:00..Fri.) Thought you might want to watch it..after you read this!!

    Boooooooooooo!!! lol..

    Maybe you can look up the town's history about wrecks etc. that happened in that area..on that spot.

  5. People can move fast sometimes. Maybe somebody called her and she went a'running.

  6. Just because you see one does not mean that they are seeking any help.

    If infact this was a "ghost", if she wanted something from you then she would have been more persistant in letting you know.

  7. That's weird! Out here by where I live there is a street supposedly haunted by someone who was killed in an accident in the area and appears as a white mist. I've never sen it but someone I know claims she has.

  8. sounds really werid

  9. The "you see a ghost when it wants your help" story is just theoretical.  Since no one has ever had a conversation with a ghost there is no way of knowing what causes a ghost to become visible.

    This sounds to me like a case of creative remembering and a mistaken identity.

  10. If it was a ghost, it may have been what is called a residual haunting. Kinda like a photograph when everything is just right. The time of day, the atmosphere, etc... See if you can go by there at basically the same time and see if she appears again.

  11. wow this happens to me too... but ya idk whenever this stuff happens i tell myself maybe im just seeing things.. but hey you never know..

  12. Hi Britt,

    Indeed this world is a strange place, and often we are left thinking twice with some things - like what you experienced. We weren't there, so unfortunately none of us will have an exact answer to this question of yours. I'm sorry about that, but I (just like the others here) can make suggestions:

    Someone suggested people can move fast, and it’s true. By suggesting more "logical" explanations, I'm not trying to criticize you or anything. I'm suggesting to look at things logically before trying to explain things with other answers (such as paranormal phenomena). So let’s look at this through a few steps: Firstly, ask yourself if the place where you saw her was an open area or not- were there buildings, paths or anywhere she COULD have gone? Was there a car nearby, and could it be possible she got into a car? Yes? No? Was it an isolated area? Were the buildings and such structures (if any) too far for her to have possibly run of? Consider her age (if you can make a guess here), could someone of HER age manage to “get away” that quickly?

    Then consider what she was wearing – were her clothes suitable to “this” era, or was she wearing something out of the ordinary? Did she seem lost, sad or injured (or even out of place), as some ghosts supposedly do? Did you feel dread or upset or anything when you saw her?

    On the other hand, if you’re willing to hear of OTHER alternative possible suggestions I can provide as possible answers, consider these…:

    If you were tired, it COULD be possible you “saw” something that wasn’t there – I’m not calling anyone crazy, but I heard a podcast once about how tiredness can cause a part of your brain to cause you to see things that aren’t there. They aren’t there really, but your brain makes you think you saw something strange. Some cases of “Shadow beings” (a type of dark ghost) can be explained this way. A common explanation toward seeing things when you’re tired is “Hypnagogia”, which is state when you’re somewhere between being awake and asleep. I can’t say you and your mom experienced “Hypnagogia” as you’d have to experience sleep paralysis at the same time (lol, and I doubt you and your mom experienced sleep paralysis in a moving car). I am wondering if you did, however, see this ghostly girl during the day, or night. Sometimes its possible to mistake ordinary things for other things (eg: It can be easy to mistake a shadow ghost out of an ordinary dark shadow or object – this is just an example though. You didn’t see a “shadow being”, as your description doesn’t match that of a shadow ghost. “Your” ghost is more likely to be an “apparition” of all types of ghosts known to us).

    These are my personal suggestions, I hope you’ll consider these are possible answers. =)

    If none of my “ideas” work for you, consider the thought that not everything IS known to Science, and … a ghost is a possibility.
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