
Saw scary thing in changing rooms?

by  |  earlier

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was walking into a changing room at a clothes to try some stores on. I opened the door and it was a fairly expansive area (about four toilet cubicles maybe) and the door did not cover an entire wall. Anyho, I walked in and got changed in the far end. Turning to leave I SAW THIS BLACK, THIN FIGURE THING SQUEEZING ITSELF INTO THE CORNER. IT WAS LIKE A BLACK MUMMY WITH LARGE RED HEADLAMPS FOR EYES AND IT MADE PURRING NOISES AT ME! WAS REALLY TALL AND ITS ARMS LOOKED LIKE BAT WINGS!! =/!! I tried to scream (voice too low) then ran to the store clerk and told them about it. As we came back we slaw it siding into the air-conditioning vent. I rang up today and they said they had the place checked out and it has completely dissapeared. Has anyone else had a bizzare (and really, really scary!) encounter like this?




  1. That was me. Through Ouija boards and astral travel I've mastered the art of appearing in women's changing rooms as a black shadow.

    Edit: Oops, I've said too much.

  2. Hmmm.......

    Sounds a lot like my ex-mother in law.

  3. Where was this? I've never experienced anything like that. and you weren't the only one who saw it? hmmmmmm..

  4. It's called a jinn not a ghost or alien. And no, I have not.

  5. No, do you think it was a bat? Thats odd.

    ===7ft Seriously? What did the store clerk say when she saw its sliding into the air vent?

  6. Normal day for me!!!!

    See ghosts and other things ---  All the time

  7. WTF if it  was all black and had red eyes then it might of been the devil, many people  have claimed to seen the same thing though not as detailed as yours.

  8. no, but my 6 yr old grandson sees my grandma that past away when i was in jr high school..

  9. Now i'm not saying you didn't have this experience or disputing you in anyway...but the only thing that I have ever seen in a changing/dressing room is lots of cellulite and my big fat *** trying to squeeze into a pair of jeans!

  10. oh sorry that was me i was trying out my new bat wings

    caca ca ca!!

  11. I saw something nasty in the woodshed.

  12. Must be the sizing chemicals in the clothes you were trying on.  Or some bad rye bread you ate earlier.  

    It could have been a demon.  Maybe the person who helped make the clothing you were trying on is severly disturbed, and the monsters bothering them were trying to get to you through the clothing.  Maybe the store owner is messed up, and entities come around for the sake of the owner.  Good to leave from that - why do business with creepy monsters?

    Can you draw a picture of it next time?  All these experiences of people, no pictures!

    I have seen shadows of things like that, but no headlamps or purring.  Messenger Shadow of death, come to let me see something about someone I know who could die or is already dead.  I hate the news but I appreciate the heads up.

    The imprint of the sabertooth tiger by my backyard bothers me, even though it is long dead.  Big teeth.

  13. Whoa, that sounds very weird.  I have never encountered anything close to what you've described.  How big was this thing?  Could it have been a bat or was it the size of a human being?  I'm intrigued by your honest description.  It purred at you!  Omg!

  14. no

  15. Weird...can't help you figure this one out but I'm most intrigued that others there saw it, too, & am so curious what their reaction was & what they've felt since this happened!!

    Plz tell us more...

  16. Sounds like it'll make a really bad horror movie with tons of big breasted blonde women dieing from being hung with hangers. Unless your crazy or it was someone in a costume or I highly doubt it but an alien.. then no one has probably had this encounter. lol

  17. It was Mothman!!! He was watching you change!  lol just kidding, you need to lay off the psychadelics!

  18. Probably someone who died there, you need to buy your clothes in a store that is not haunted.

  19. try and foret 'bout it maybe some1 wanted to scare u so .. don't tell no1 coz they willl laugh at u

  20. that is a good question let me star it.

  21. For real? Never encountered it before

  22. umm guys if you read properly the store clerk saw it too unless hes on drugs too. but i had a really scary nightmare once that felt pretty real.

  23. Ok, I usually believe just about anything but for some reason I don't believe you.

    Black, thin figure, with red head lamp a dressing room?  

    Couldn't you come up with something creepier?  Perhaps you live in a 100 year house or happened late one night, yadda, yadda.

    Dressing room?  Uh-right?

    But alas, this is yahoo answers, so an answer you shall get.

    Look up the "mothman," particularly if you're in the Virginia, Maryland area.

  24. Sorry about all the stupid answers you're getting. If you're really serious..I agree that it might be a Shadow person (which I don't think are really "people" so I don't know why they call them Shadow PEOPLE.)  But, I'm surprised it hung around long enough for someone else to be able to see it.

    Edit...After going to your profile and reading you Q&As....I guess you were just "joking". Hope the next ones who might waste their time trying to answer you read this  first.

    Don't "cry wolf" too many times. Someday you might need someone to REALLY  help you.

  25. It might of been a Shadow person.The link below is about Shadow people. Though I have never encountered one, I have talked to a few who has.

  26. it was me!! it was me!! it was me!!

  27. yes yes i have... one day i was walking into mcdonalds and i asked for a cheeseburger, i was terrified when the store lady said we have none left. i dream about that night everyday and i also have day terrors ive even gone and seen a psychologist but it doesnt help, then i found out that i was in love with mcdonalds.

    the end

  28. I'd lay off the vodka orange julius. Or were you in a Walmart?'

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