
Saxophone on guitar. If you didn't look, would the sound fool you?

by Guest67023  |  earlier

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  1. Yeah totally! That's an awesome guitar, good sound and nice video! Very realistic... it's like two instruments in one!

  2. He's really, really good, it could possibly fool me.

  3. Hi Danny

    Godin is a personal friend of mine ad we both started at the same tine, He made the guitar, I played them on tour.

    That is a very cool gadget and honestly, it's is mnore than close to the real thing. When you play an effect like this, always remember to think like a sax player and use the same riff as they use. You can't just do chords or play slurs and what not.

    WHen I play guitar and makeing is sound like a piano, the guitar notes have to have a staccato effect because a piano, has no bend notes, nor finger tapping etc...

    The secret is like the gentleman is doing, keep the riffs as if you are playing sax.

  4. Cool, is that done with a MIDI pick-up or has it been digitized and processed some other way?  

    It could fool me for a bit.  After a while I might realize something is up.  

    I hate it when people don't know how to set levels.

  5. nope i know

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