
Say a group of people led by you are having a peaceful protest,and what if government starts shootin to you?

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Say, a group of people led by you are having a peaceful protest for some reason(anyreason).. and people joins your group, and your groups gets larger (say, thousands) demanding the same thing.....

and, government starts to crack down your group by ordering police and military to shoot the protestors...than, what should be done as a leader to prevent from being cracked down? whenever government orders permission to shoot protestors,all protests end and protestors never prevail. so, there should be fool-proof solution to counter this move. in broader terms, what should be done to bring about successful protest without being cracked down?

all ideas are welcomed and thanks in advance..




  1. Duck out of the way of fire and go home

  2. Your first answere seems to not be familiar with the vietnam era protests such as those at Kent State.

    It has happened in the US and could happen again especially with the current President.

    Your second answerer has the solution as far as documenting the problem but avoiding the problem is even tougher. Should police forces or National Guard troops actually use firearms or other lethal force to break up a peaceful protest, the best defense then becomes an active and loud offense in the form of full media exposure, lawsuits, criminal trials, etc.

  3. I would suggest putting down the code pink signs, the banners, and the "I hate Bush" signs and go home....

  4. You always get a warning.  Take it to heart.  

    There is no reason to shoot unless the group riots ... and then it's open season  If there was that large a group in a free country, the government would be taking notice, and an election could be called for.

  5. I'd suggest you leave Cuba and come back to the U.S.

  6. What would I do?  I would shoot back.  That is what the second amendment is for.  

    Thomas Jefferson firmly believed and stated it many times that it was not only the right but the duty of citizens to over throw tyrannical governments.

    The fool proof solution is to always be armed and if you are not violating the law and they start to "crack down and shoot" fire back

    An unarmed human is a slave an armed human is a citizen.  Read the quotes by our founding fathers.

  7. I suggest you look into what happened in Budapest, Hungary on October 23rd, 1956.  Students did just that sort of march.  The communist government backed by the Soviet military came in and brutally destroyed the city.  Check out the following book.

    The bridge at Andau

    by James A. Michner

    Read this book, then go out and get a good job and be greatful for the fantastic freedom you enjoy here.

  8. look at our own history and MLK jr.'s struggle

    ... nothing happened untill 4 white kids were shot protesting at Kent St. in Ohio

  9. grow up!

  10. Then I would leave China, Iran or Syria. You know, Countries that have a history of shooting protestors. I would most likely end up in the US, where the right to protest is not greeted by Government attacks.

  11. get lots of cameras that are hopefully streaming video somewhere

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