
Say if it is technically feasible to strike an asteroid by missile to advert it hitting the Earth?

by  |  earlier

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Now,would there be material inside that comet or asteroid that could be used as fuel for the rocket engines to help push the asteroid/comet out of the collision path with Earth?




  1. It depends on how the trajectory is and what time it will impact and the weather. SO WHO KNOES?

  2. there mite b magnesium wich could b used as a ginat *** rocket but using a missile isnt really effective. it will slightly change its trajectory but not enuf in most cases. most of the explosion would just shoot out into space or atmosphere. very little of the released energy would go to moving the beast.  but i had a sorta similar idea to build rockets onto the asteroid and use those to change trajectory largely to move it out of the way but  then i realized the stupidity of landing on a 40k mph object planting 4 rockets and then turning em on. it seemed good at first but then just went bad.  but if there was magnesium or another highly combustible material inside the asteroid it mite be able to b used as a propellant source to change trajectory  

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