
Say in Austrian..........???

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i love u very much,how much is this,where is that,how to go there,my dog is running,walking,eating,bathing,drinking,... in its,his,her room in the house,at home,my younger brother is studying,reading,preparing 4 his school tests,exams,my younger sister is working in her office,shop,market,supermarket,my older sister has gone shopping in the shopping mall,see movies in the cinemas,gone to the bus stop to take bus no.278 to the embassy,airport,train station,school,office,shop,library,post office,police station,taxi stand,college,university,apartment,build... and government immigration department,i am a businessman,teacher,policeman,ambulance driver,bus,taxi,clerk,salesman,superviso... officer,cashier,lecturer,he is very handsome,has a lot of money,she is very rich,poor,pretty,beautiful,helpful,kind,... had no money,gold,jewellery,diamonds,watches,re...




  1. I  grew up in Austria so I still remember the language.

    Ich liebe dich, Wieviel kostet dass, Wo ist das, Wie komme ich dort hin, Mein Hund(my dog) rennt, geht, frisst, badet... in sein, seinem, ihrem Haus,, zu Hause(at home). Mein juengerer bruder(my younger brother) studiert, schreibt, bereitet sich vor fuer seinen Schultest, Examen, Meine juengere Schwester(my younger sister) arbeitet in ihrem Boero, Geschaeft, Supermarkt...Aeltere(older) Schwester ist in das Geschaeftszentrum einkaufen gegangen, ins Kino gehen, zur Bushaltestelle gegangen um den Bus nummer 278 in die Botschaft zu nehmen, embassy - Botschaft,

    college - Gymnasium, AHS (algemein bildente hoehere Schule)

    Universitaet -that´s obvious

    apart  - abgesondert, abgesehen, unabhaengeg davon,...

    government immigration department- staatliche Einwanderungs behoerde

    Ich bin ein Geschaeftsmann (Businessman), Lehrer (teacher), Polizist (Police man),...  Fahrer, Bus, Taxi, Beamter, Verkaeufer...  Angestellter, Kasse-angestellter, Vortraeger(lecturer), Er ist sehr huepsch, hat viel Geld(money), Sie ist sehr reich (rich), arm(poor), huebsch(pretty),Er(he) Ich(I)... hatte kein Geld, Gold, s*****k(jewellery, Diamanten(diamonds)

    Hope that helps!

  2. Since Austrians speak German your best bet is an English-German dictionary:

  3. Austrian is not a language.  There are dialects spoken there, but the base language is German.

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