
Say in Vietnamese?

by  |  earlier

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wat is this,where is my book,blue pen,red pencil,newspapers,white shirt,black shoes,brown trousers,green dress,pink underwear,orange spectacles,grey bikini,yellow swimming trunks,purple color passport?How r u,today,tomorrow,yesterday,the next day,3 days ago,next/last week,month,year?How 2 go 2 the shopping mall,airport,embassy,bus stop taxi stand,train station,supermarket,travel agency,building,food centre,restaurant and the hotel.where is this?how much is that?here,there,over there,turn left,right,go straight,next traffic light,behind the petrol station,opposite the hospital,beside the clinic.who r u?when r u going 2 the cinema?need a telephone,want a cellphone,open the door,close the window,lock the gate,switch on the lights,switch off the oven,kettle to boil water,a cup of milk,i cant find my plate,spoon,fork,knife or bottle,wat happened 2 ur younger brother?her sister is going 2 work at the ofice,shop.His older son,boy is 16 years old.My uncle say,told me ur aunt,him her them never




  1. I can tell you orange is Cam (not written correctly but sounds like)

    Lamb un choi toi mop chai Saigon is one Bottle of Saigon ber please

    Sin Chow is Hello

    Tam Biet is Good bye

    Em co quay com is how are you (talking to mle similar age)

    Anh co quay com                                          female

    cam on toi quay (thanks i'm good)

    gurm ver thit is rice and mat

    Dia Sow is Why

    Em di dow is where are you going

    Com Com Ding ding is crazy

    Sorry thats enough for now. If you there buy a picture book designed for Vietnamese kisds to learn English it will help if you want to learn some of the language

  2. Join a lingo-school or else ,I will charge you tution fee for answering all of this .

  3. wing chong ***** whong suckong dickong foocking maddNG streeng ******* wing Mcdonald wing chicken sumo people!

  4. I think you need a PERSONAL translator.. Eventhou we write it out here for you.. I don't think you're able to SPEAK the language.. It's NOT like how you read it b/c Vietnamese has almost 6 or 7 diff. accents marks for each individual word.

  5. I think nobody will be able to translate so much here

  6. ok, i just said it all... now what ?.. anyway , ONE question per 5 pts please!

  7. thats alotta stuff u want people ro translate....

  8. cai' gi` d+o'?

    cuo^n' sa'ch cu?a to^i o+? d+a^u?

    ca^y vie^t' ma`u xanh

    ca^y vie^t' ma`u d+o?

    ba'o chi'

    ao' tra'ng

    gia`y d+en

    qua^n` na^u

    a'o d+a^'m xanh

    qua^n` lo't ho^`ng

    kie^'ng cam

    a'o ta'm na^u

    qua^n` ta'm va`ng

    passport ti'm :-)

    co kho?e kho^ng, ho^m nay, nga`y mai, ho^m qua, ba nga`y truoc, tua^`n to+i', tua^n` vu+a` ro^i`, tha'ng to+i', than'ng ro^i`, nam to+i', nam ro^i`.

    La`m sao d+i to+i' cho+., phi tru+o+ng`, lanh? su. quan', tram. xe bus, tram. taxi, tram. xe lua?, sie^u thi., co^ng ty du, building, cho. thuc an, nha` ha`ng, kha'ch san.

    To^i d+ang o? d+a^u

    Bao nhie^u va^y.

    Noi da^y, noi d+o'


  9. That's a whole lot of stuff.........

  10. Just Google it. Type in English to Vietnamese translation or something of that sort. Then type in everything here you want to know. That will give you all of this stuff in Vietnamese. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  11. Cocka dow VC .

  12. day la cai gi

    quyen sach cua toi dau

    cay but mau xanh

    cay but chi mau do

    tap chi (newspapers)

    ao so mi mau trang

    doi gia mau den

    quan dai mau nau

    cai vay mau xanh

    do lot mau hong (pink underwear)

    cap kinh mau cam

    ao tam mau xam

    quan boi may vang

    ho chieu may hong

    ban khoe khong (how are u)

    hom nay

    ngay mai (tomorrow)

    ngay hom qua (yesterday)

    ngay tiep theo

    ba ngay truoc (3 day ago)

    tuan toi (next week) tuan truoc (last week)



    Lam the nao de di toi khu mu sam (shopping mall)

                                       san bay (ariport)

                                       dai su quan (embassy), tram xe buyt (bus stop), noi don taxi (taxi stand), ga tau (train station), sieu thi (super market), cong ty du lich (travel agency), toa nha (building), cho an uong (food centre), nha hang (restaurant), khach san (hotel)

    Day la dau (where is this)

    cai do gia bao nhieu (how much is that)

    day (here)

    do, kia (there)

    dang kia (over there)

    re trai (turn left), re phai (turn right)

    di thang (go straight)

    den giao thong ke tiep (next traffic light)

    dang sau tram xang (behind petrol station)

    doi dien (oposite) benh vien (hospital)

    ben canh phong kham (beside the clinic)

    ban la ai (who are u)

    khi nao thi ban di toi rap chieu phim (when r u going to e cenima)

    can goi dien thoai (need a telephone)

    can 1 dien thoai di dong (want a cellphone)

    mo (open) cua (door)

    dong cua (close the door)

    khoa (lock) cong (gate)

    bat den (switch on the lights)

    tat den (switch off the lights)

    tat lo vi song (switch off the oven)

    dun soi nuon (kettle to the boil)

    mot coc sua (a cup of milk)

    Toi khong the tim thay cai dia (plate) cua toi, cai thia (spoon), con dao (knife), cai chai (bottle)

    Chuyen gi (what) xay ra (happen) voi (to) em trai cua ban?

    Chi cua co ta dang di lam o van phong (office), cua hang (shop)

    Con trai lon cua ong ta muoi sau (16) tuoi (years old)

    Cau toi (my uncle) noi (say)/bao (told) voi toi (me) gi cua ban (ur aunt), anh ta (him), co ta (her), ho (them)

    khong bao gio (never)
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