
Say me about indian communitaion

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Say me about indian communitaion




  1. Now a  days it will grown up.  

  2. ur question is very unclear. how can anyone SAY in written words., we can only say something to you when we are face to face with each other,  please, please,please write english properly.

  3. ur question is the question and the answer - it shows how Indians communicate or fail to effectively communicate..

    PS - I am an Indian..  

  4. Dear friend,

    I am not able to understand as to you want to ask for Communication Department of India or the meaning of Communicationmin accordance with the dictionary or business administration.

    As regards, Government Department, the word communication covers, postage & telegraph,telecommunications etc. In case of meaning - it is exchange of views & thoughs delivered and received (both ways).

    In Business Admn. there are two persons - communicator & a communicatee. The communicator delivers the contents of information and the communicatee receives and understands in the same spirit in which it was delivered.

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