
Say what you want about Obama, but ........................?

by  |  earlier

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That was a very classy statement he made in regards to Palin's daughter.

Although not my choice for President, he did show that he is a gentlemen.

I wish him and his family all the Best.




  1. This is a classy guy who is trying to change politics.  Please vote for him.

  2. Especially when we all know

    Had it been Chelsea Clinton that got Pregnent

    the right wing would all be whinning and wailing

    its because her parents are immoral

    Maybe Sarah Pahlin should have taught her children  and advocated to her constituants safe s*x instead of abstinance only !! (instead of DEMONIZING everyone else that taught their children safe s*x )

  3. Yes, but it goes both ways.

  4. Yeah, that was real classy. To bad it's the first time I have ever seen him act that way. Hopefully it won't be the last.

  5. I think what he did, was what he should have done. Yet, I also think he knew his supporters would continue their attacks to his benefit. Those that are saying Palins family should be off the table, remember that next time you attack someone on the other side of the aisle. While to me abortion, and birth control are at the bottom of priorities that are important to me this election. It seems they are being brought to the forefront again this election cycle. To me we should be talking about financial solution to the problems we are facing today. Line item veto, term limits for congress, energy, food prices, things that effect every American.

  6. That is about the only thing lately that he said that was classy.    Im sure its only to protect his own family though from attacks.

  7. Well said, and he's not even your pick! More voters should think like you.

  8. WHAT?  DUH?

    He's shown that all along--that's his geat appeal.

    He's fair, honest, and an intelligent, caring gentlemen!!!!

    what did you expect!!!???

  9. It will be nice to have a President that takes the high road, for a change.

  10. Yes.  I'm not surprised. It completely fits with his style.  

  11. Obama is going to be the next president! Yes that statement was very classy! He is very intelligent, caring, respected, respectful, responsible, the right person to lead this nation!


  12. Yes he is a truely classy guy.  His family and Biden's are great examples of way the American family can be.  You should really look into his policies too if you have not already.  You may find that you are not voting for the person who you identify the most with.

  13. But the real bottom line here is that if you play with fire you are going to get Burnt.and Obama knows it.

  14. Absolutely!

    He remained true to his word.

    He defended Michelle when people bashed her, he's defended Palin daughter as well.

  15. Kudos to you.  I am happy that even folks that don't support Obama can see his appeal.  

  16. "Classy"?  hardly.

    The real reason Obama wants the issue of Palin’s teenage pregnant daughter “off limits” is because his mother was three-months pregnant with HIMSELF when she married the father.


  17. he can afford to be, he has the nomination sewn up.

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