
Say you are Zimbabwean.What can you do best to help to the current situation.?

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to be more specific in the health sector , electricity, water and food shortages...can buying shares help..?how ?




  1. It is so discouraging.  It doesn't seem like there is any way to bypass the corruption.  .

  2. In the country or out?

    In the country, I'd find a place off the beaten path and farm the very best I could because hunger is bad enough itself, but it also leads to sickness and violence.

    There's enough violence now and the history of African and most other countries is that overthrowing dictators doesn't lead to vastly improved conditions, certainly not in the short run. Once the fighting becomes entrenched, there are whole sectors of the economy, whole groups of people who only know war. They can't function in peace so they seek war.

  3. if i was zimbabwean.. i would help the mdc defeat the oppresive regime of robert mugabe.

    or i would plan a secret coup d'etat and tell the ppl if they dont do enough they will stay in the same situation.

    viva la revolution!


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