
Say you get your job choice in the AF, can they still change your job?

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Just wanted to know if you are locked to your job or if the Air Force can switch you to any job they choose.

Was about to sign up, and then... my parents.... just... ehh..




  1. if your asking, that after completing your tech school,

    Will the AF make you do a different job, or make you attend another tech school for another job.

    Then yes they can, but they do not.

    While some people in the AF are forced to retrain into a different job, those are people in the middle enlisted grades, not first term airmen.

    If a career field gets overmanned, due to high reenlistments.

    They AF offers the ranks that are over manned a chance to volunteer to be retrained.

    But again, your talking about E-5, E-6 and E-7's.

    Now if you lose a security clearance, don't meet special physical requirements of a specific job or

    Fail your Tech School.

    Then the AF can make you train into any field they want to.

    With a guarenteed enlistment contract, you are guarenteed a slot in a specific Tech School, you are not guarenteed you will pass that tech School.

    If you fail, then you cannot do that job and have to do something else.

  2. When you join the military you enter into a contract to serve. You may sign that contract for a certain type of duty assignment, but it is important to remember you are in the military, not some corporate gig ruled by civil courts or civilian norms. The military can put any body any where. If they need a rifleman, they will get one, even if it is by pulling an air force clerk up to the front lines.

    Essentially you are contracted to serve. They must try to fulfill their obligations but if they don't have a position open for a person in a certain job category they won't put you there just because you signed up to be in that job. They own you until you get out, and sometimes even afterwards.  

  3. Depends on the job, if it is a job that requires high security clearance or physical fitness, you can lose the job if you fail to meet certain criteria. But for the most part, any armed service, you choose your job and have to make it through your training. And pretty sad you let your parents talk you outta joining the AirForce. I mean cmon, marines and army ok i can understand, but the Air Force?? If you're over 18 you need to cowboy up to that one.

  4. Yes you can cross train after a few years, or if you don't do good enough in tech school you'll get transfered to something else. I'm not sure how long it is before you can cross train.

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