
Say you had a big blow out fight with the spouse (verbal) and you decide to leave for a while..?

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If anything, what do you take with you?

Also, are you a man or woman?




  1. I am a man and I would take my running shoes and dog and run naked in the moonlight, (excepting my shoes of coarse).

    oh and I don't have a spouse. But if I did . . . .

  2. My Little Black Book....

    Wow, talk about recycling

  3. I wouldn't leave... she would have to leave.

  4. Some clothes, money, credit card, and the car.


  5. I might take my purse because I need my drivers license and my van. I might take my baby, but probably husband can watch him for a while.

  6. Smile. I would take my cell phone and start calling my friends for a girls night out. I would make sure my daughter is with my mom safe and happily settled for the night. After that I would make sure I look good and ready, when my friends show up to pick me up right in front of him. And I would accidentally leave my phone at home ... Now, I wouldn't stay out late, but I would make sure that I am having the time of my life. By the time I do get home, he better be good and ready to communicate or else. In the very beginning of my 18 year marriage it happened a few times. And at the end I suddenly realized that, if we were not married, I would just let him go without ever looking back. And that would of been a tragedy.

  7. My daughter.

    However, since it's actually my house we all live in, I'd tell him to go to his father's house in the next town and bunk on the couch.

  8. Edit: You said for a couple of hours, so here's my new answer:

    I'd take my purse (with keys, ID, money, and phone), a bottle of water, and the clothes and shoes on my person.

    I'm a woman.

  9. A warm jacket, house keys and a book.

    I'd probably go for a walk and then sit and read for a while - that usually calms me down.

    Woman. :)

  10. For a few hours - My keys and wallet - If I ever marry.


    Edit : Johno ftw ! :-D

  11. I wouldn't leave.  My husband and I have never left over an argument and I don't intend to start to do so.  Unless there is a REAL issue or reason you need to leave, I think you should stay to work out the problem or let it defuse by being in separate rooms.

  12. My dignity :-D

  13. My watercoloring stuff.

  14. Keys, my car, cash, credit card, toothbrush, change of clothes

  15. My kids. If I ever walked out in the middle of a fight though it would surprise the **** out of my Husband. We've never done that. We just walkaway from the room or work it out.

  16. This should not be a big deal (I'm a man). I think everyone needs a cooling off period, especially after a big fight. I would just go for a long walk. I find walking gives you plenty of time to think without the distraction  of TV or Ipods. Just you and the open sky.

  17. My purse.  If it was a bad argument with my ex-husband, I would take the pets - and did leave and take all the pets.  I had good reason.

  18. Sports or Sports Channel or Beer.

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