
Say.. you have a stay at home wife... who has sisters who live near by and she takes off 2 tmes a week?

by  |  earlier

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to hang out with her sisters and leaves you at home with the baby. She comes home often drunk after midnight. You ask her to stop she says ok for a day or 2, then starts a fight and acts like its your fault you want her to stay home with her family and off she goes again. In this situation if you get fed up and want a divorce as a man are you screwed? Does she get half of it all even she is the one being disrespectful of the marriage?




  1. Do you want to put her in a cage? She's not allowed to go out and have fun?

  2. it sure sounds like what women usually goes through, now the tables has been turned, now its the man thats going through it, well in that case if u do divorce irregardless u divorce b/c of that or something else she will get half of everything.

  3. I think once you have a child the partying days need to end!

    I never drink unless my husband takes me out for my birthday or a holiday. And then I only have one drink. I would miss my kids the whole time and be thinking about them I wouldn't really have fun.

    I don't see anything wrong with a mom wanting to go to dinner with the girls once in a while and have one drink and just relax. Every mom needs a break now and then. But only once in a while. If they make it a habit then it is wrong.

  4. First off thats messed up anyways..she has a baby!! Her partying days should be over!! She doesnt deserve to have a family.

    Knowing how the court system is you probably would get screwed. Unless you can have good proof of her being drunk pretty much all the time..thats an unfit parent!

  5. i would say pack your things and move home with her. go to another suburb far far away from her sisters and good luck.

  6. if your the one working and she's not during the marriage, if she request alimony then she mostly likely will get it plus child support. If your ready to let it go and move on then do so!

  7. I think she is being disrespectful to you.  Go to her sister's is OK but coming home after midnight drunk is another.

    I feel sorry for you, dude.

  8. if divorce is really your only solution...

    it depends on the state.  in Texas, for example, there is communal property but no alimony until you've been married for 10 years.  every state has different laws.  you have to talk to a lawyer.

  9. Unfortunately yes. I think laws need to recognize problems as the ones you are speaking of. If another neglects responsibilities or goes the nasty with someone else then i believe they should be forfeiting all rights to anything. It's a very unfair thing and women are much better at manipulation than men, so usually everything goes in their favour.  

  10. she has a right to a personal life,

    you will loose half and probably pay child support if not allimony....

    my advice is to seek counseling and work thru the problems.

  11. NO you are not screwed, only losers whom the judge deemed horrible fathers or who screwed up their divorce proceedings because they are jerks anyway complain of this.

    Get a good attorney, interview a few and hire one with a high win-ratio and experience in winning custody for fathers if that's what you want.

    Sounds like she has a serious alcohol problem.  What she gets depends alot on the history of each person's behavior in the marriage, the total value of assets to divide and/or contest, whether she is asking for her legal share of what you do accumulated during your marriage and how much time she spent taking care of you and being a mother.

    You should fight for custody of the baby only if you are ready and willing to take on full responsibility for its care.

    Have you tried counseling yet before severing this commitment entirely? You should check out counseling and suggest it to her and see if they can help you two patch things together to rebuild a better relationship.

    Divorce battles are a long road and unless you are willing to provide for your child full time, I'd say consider counseling for both of you before jumping.

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