
Sayings in spanish?please help.?

by Guest10985  |  earlier

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ok i need help with these saying.i need to know what they mean or what you understand from them in english;please help(I'm going to put them in english and spanish)thanks:))

1.(spanish) perro que ladra no muerde.

(english) a barking dog dosent bite.

2.(spanish) mas vale perro vivo que leon muerto.

(english) a live dog is worth more then a dead lion.

3.(spanish) mas vale pajaro en mano que cien volando.

(english) a bird in the hand i worth more than 100 flying.




  1. 1. Some people talk a lot of talk, but don't act on it. A dog just barks to scare people away, that doesn't mean it will hurt you if you aren't scared.

    2. This one is pretty literal. Anything is better alive than dead. Just because a lion is larger, and would protect more, it is not doing anything if it is dead. A dog may be smaller and less protective (in such a sense, as a lion is more dangerous) but would help over something that is dead.

    3. The dreams you have achieved (the bird in hand) is worth more to you than the ones you have yet to achieve (birds flying). Birds are often used to symbolize dreams, goals, etc.

    hope this helps!

  2. 1. if he is barking then he cant hurt you even if he is threatening you

    2. a lion is stronger and braver, but the dog is worth more because he is alive and didnt rush into situations stupidly

    3.the bird is worth more than the 100 because he is yours and you actually caught him. the 100 are worthless to you because they are in the air and you cant use them.

    (not sure if these are right)

    If you have the book esperanza rising please click on my name and go to my most recent question...its an easy 10 points to the first person who answers!!!!!

    IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!

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