
Scabbing on lip piercing?

by  |  earlier

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How long will it take to clear up?

I've had it done for a week now, and my feind had hers done the dat after, and hers looks nothing like mine.

Mine's quite red around the edge, and still quite tender. It also scabs up a bit.

I know this is normal, but any idea how long it'll take to look right?




  1. Either go to a tattoo/piercing professional or call one.

    DO NOT GO SEE A DOCTOR! They do not specialize in piercings <-- the girl told me that who owns a tattoo parlor.

    I think it is infected. But I'd go see a professional.

    If its infected, take it out asap. Its not good and will leave scar that are worse than if its not infected.

    Best Answer?

  2. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  3. It's infected. Just keep cleaning it and STOP touching!  If you do that then it will clear up.  

  4. Actually sounds like its not healing well and infected. Get a doctors opinion.

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