
Scaffoid bone fracture??!!?

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so i live in New Zealand, im 15, i just moved from Hamilton to further up north to a little town called Dargaville, Back in Hamilton, I broke my scaffoid bone in my right hand, well i think i did, the doctor told me i might have, so i was in a fiberglass cast for 8 weeks, but its still prety painfull, so when i went to get it out of the cast, in Dargaville, and my new doc doesnt think its broken, but it still realy hurts, so he said he was going to see the radiologer, and then he was going to refer me to the orthopedic surgon, and then i have to have a C.T scan, and then maybe in plaster for another 3 months! and THEN i might have to get a s***w or something in my scaffoid bone.

could someone PLEASE explain what all that means??!!




  1. Scaphoid bones are really difficult to treat and heal.

    What may have happened is although the bone has mended it might not be in exactly the same place as before, it can then rub or bump against other bones in your hand.

    Orthopaedic surgeon will be able to have a look at x rays and ct scan and take appropriate action.

    My scaphoid was reduced in January, never broken but break in wrist was causing it to rub and was very painful.I was in cast for 6 weeks.

  2. Scaffoid tenderness is usually due to over-use of the wrist.  Snuff box tenderness is another term they throw around thats similar in pain and area.  Generally the area in and around the wrist is so complex that it takes a variety of diagnositic test and therapy to figure out what's causing the pain.

    Sometimes, if over use isn't the reason, you may have a mass building in size within the carpal itself.  

    You need to see a hand specialist.  They are orthosurgeons who specialize in hands.  They were the only professionals able to diagnose my problems.

    In the mean time, you really should exercise your wrist with specific therapy type movements helpful in strengthening the wrist.  This works when your not in too much pain.  I know, it can be counterproductive when u are in pain.

    Treat the pain, do some therapy, see a hand doctor, use a splint and be careful.

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