
Scalp Problem????????????

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so recently, my scalp has been starting to itch, i know its not lice or anything because i have checked, over and over again. there is nothing. its like i have dandruff, but i don't..

i haven't got white flakes all over my head or anything, but when i itch, its like flakes come off then. like spots in a way.

i dont know what this is.?

my skin tends to get very greasy but yet my hair is very dry.

does anyone know what it could be?




  1. Sounds as though it could be psoriasis. This is an inflamation of the skin-usually on the scalp or elbows or knees and hands and key spots. It is very difficult to treat but a steroid cream or lotion may help. You should see a doctor.

  2. poss dermatitus, see your gp and stay away from pregant woman

  3. mayb its dry skin flaking

  4. Nope - Get head and shoulders

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