
Scams on Kijiji?

by  |  earlier

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I have an item for sale on kijiji and think one of the replies I got may be a scam. This is what the response was: "hello, thanks for your quick response.. and also you do not know how happy i am to know that this item is still for sale, i am okay with the fixed price so i will like to proceed this transaction to the payment.. i will be paying through money order which you can cash immediately without any delays... if this is ok by you get back to me with your full name,full home address,city, state,zipcode and also your phone number so we talk more on phone... so that payment can be issue out with out any delays... But redarding the shippment i will like it to be a pick up so you do not need to worry about the shippment of this item... i await your fast response." The thing that made me think this right off the bat was the fact that they asked for a state and zip code...I live in Canada and posted under the correct area. Also, just the wording seemed weird. What do you think?




  1. i think your absolutely right in thinking this is a scam they want far too much information from you.... without giving you any information back... (e.g. they are not giving you their address, since they would rather collect)

    i don't know how money orders work but i can't imagine they require that level of personal information. it sounds like a phishing scam.

    i say break off all contact, and if they persist, ask if they will send their number and call from a withheld number.

  2. I've never used Kijiji but just based on spam practices it does sound fishy. He seems too eager to get you to pass along your information. Maybe tell him pick up isn't an option, unless it's at a commerical carrier's location, like a UPS office or something and see if he scrams or still likes your offer.
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