
Scared Babysitter?

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I'm babysitting for three little girls ages 3,6, and 9 and the 9 year old told me that her parents yell and beat her and her sisters. The 6 year old told me that her dad whoops her and her sisters with extension cords and belts when they don't listen and that her mom screams and cusses at them. Then the 3 year old told me that yesterday her mom grabbed her hair and pushed her into her room. I don't know what to believe or what to do. Please help me.




  1. I'm not a professional, but think for a moment, and try to remember. Were there physical signs of abuse? They would have bruises (at least) on them if that were true. If you are positive of physical or mental abuse, call the police. I wouldn't confront the parents about it.

  2. well first off see if ther have bruses on them cuz lil kids sometimes make things up, and secondly...if they are doing that cuz you have proof like a video or something which is what you should do than call the police or a social worker to take the kids away, i sorry hun this sounds bad but if you help those girls than you'll be like a hero for them!

  3. Call your parents and tell them you want them to come over. Have them talk to the kids about what they said and see if they are still telling the same stories. If they are, then mom or dad should call the police while you are all still there.

    Act quickly.

  4. don't be afraid to loose your job. you MUST report these parents even if the kids are lying. better safe than sorry.

    what if the girls are saying the truth and you don't call the cops?

    please do!

  5. ok...if all three of them are telling you the same thing, but in different words, that tells me they are most likely telling the truth - I am guessing you are  a teenager, so i would suggest you talk to your parents and urge them to help you tell the police or child protective services.

    If i am wrong, and you are an adult, then call the police or child protective services immediately.

    These kids are in danger.  Please get them help

  6. Well I am a mother to a 8 yr old girl and she never would say something like this...I think the 9 yr old is telling the truth and you really need to tell someone start  with your parents and get them to help you through the steps...children can make up stories Yes that I agree with but when it comes to something like whipping with belts and extension cords and hair pulling well that draws the line for me...the 9 yr old knows the difference betweeen a lie and the truth and the 3 yr old well she still a bit young for making stuff like that up..Be a hero amd save those little angels before something worse does happen and then you carry that guilt around for the rest of your life..the most that will happen is a investigation

  7. CALL THE COPS!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Sometimes kids exaggerate. See if there are any bruises. Listening to my kids talk sometimes it would seem to strangers that we were hurting them, when the worst they ever gotten is a whack on the behind, fully clothed with a hand.

    Also talk to your parents about it.

  9. I would say to call CPS.
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