
Scared Cat?????? :(??????????????

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my cat is 1yr old she has feline leukemia. know that we have found out she has it after a few months she hates being held she keeps meowing in a scared low tone.her eyes are wide and big and shes breathing hard she keeps trying to get away from me.shes really scared and he breath smells really bad.she does this every time i try to hold her.shes really scared right now as i write this.please tell me whats wrong she ever used to do this!!!!!??????????????/




  1. You need to take her into the vet.  

  2. It may be the leukemia, she may not be scared, but in pain or sick.  You need to have a vet check her out as soon as you can, there might be other reason for this behavior.  No one can diagnose it here, only a vet's exam can tell you what is happening.  Please call and make an appointment asap.

  3. If you have not already done so, you need to take your cat to your vet.  What you're interpreting as "scared" could be a health crisis your cat is suffering because of the leukemia.  Please take her to the vet right away.

  4. Ok depending on how long u've had ur cat. It's normal for some cats not 2 like being held. It's cuz their frighten. give her time and you get patience she'll come around. try laying next to her/him  and softly caressing her/him on the floor instead. talk 2 her make her/him feel loved by you. dont expect improvements right away but i promise u she'll change. Also buy her kitty snacks she loves and have her come to you while u feed her caress her. These shows her/him ur feelings towards her! TRUST.......  

  5. That sounds like pain.  I had a cat die of cancer.  Take her to the vet.  She may need to be put down.  

    It's horrible and sad, but that's the way it is.  It's so much worse for her to suffer and die a little bit every day in front of you.

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