
Scared about going into last year of school. Any tips?

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Last year of high school.




  1. Senior year is going to be one the of best years of your life. Make memories, have fun and don't fret. It is supposed to be enjoyable! Make it yours!

  2. Enjoy it , everyone wants to go back to their last year of school

  3. What are you scared about? Life after highschool? That is what you make it..I would suggest going to college. Try getting a scholarship. I heard college was real fun and I wish that I would have done that instead of bumming around until I got pregnant.

  4. Oh yeah it is a little scary. All of a sudden you realize that in just a few short months you will be done with high school and going out into the world. It is a little scary!!

  5. This is my last year too! Actually, i'm graduating in January so I only have 5 months left. I'm still going to prom and grad and everything but still!

    I'm just going to try and enjoy it!

  6. just hang out with your friends dude its ganan go by so fast!!

  7. best time of your life

    so relax and enjoy every minute of it

    then you will be like everyone else,looking back on those happy times wishiong you could do it all over again

    good luck

  8. dont be scared...its all great fun except work and work.. lol- i'm 19 now and looked back on a few photos from school.

    it waas great.... and i really do miss it. just keep you're head high and get good grades :)

  9. Relax and everything's gonna be fine. It's just another regular year. Stay with your friends and have fun. But never forget you have to work hard! Good luck! ;)

  10. Is  this high school?

    It's ok to wonder about the future and I admire your saying you are scared. Friend. we all are scared about something each and every day. I'm scared about getting gray hair or dying or being alone or losing my Dad or not pleasing my boss or of being rejected. But what I do and what you can do is to face these fears by admitting you have them and then bravely go forth each and every day to drink in the juices of life and to take each chance to grow and learn knowing you will on occasion s***w up.

    Bottom line: It's ok to be scared about  your senior year. But then face the fear and go out the door to kick some serious butt in your everday world.

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