
Scared and helpless!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Quick recap : I posted a question along time ago about these strangers knocking on the front door and wouldn't leave. They got to the backdoor and started knocking there. Moving on, I hid in my closet (wow, that was so smart of me...) and about 12 minutes later, the strangers were gone and my uncle came over to fix the heater...

Anyways, YESTERDAY, I WAS HOME ALONE AGAIN... I was in the bathroom and then all of the sudden, I hear someone come in the house (downstairs)... I WAS REALLY SCARED!!! I didn't know what to do but I wanted to call the police as soon as possible... I couldn't get to the phone because I was in the bathroom... It was those strangers again... I got scared and felt like I was going to have a heart-attack... I hid behind the sink (we have a little opening between the sink and the toilet) and luckily they didn't see me... Please help... This time THEY BROKE IN... Not like last time when they just kept knocking... What do I do NEXT time to be more SAFE???!!!




  1. Why are they coming in your house? I would confront them if it was me, with a loaded 9mm asking what the problem was. You should think about getting a handgun. You won't have to live in constant fear at least.

  2. next time?

    your crazy, you know that.

    did u tell ANYONE in your family about this?

    and why didnt u call the police right after that happened?

  3. Do you have a cordless phone and/or a cellphone? ALWAYS keep this with you, including when you go in the bathroom. If you don't have one, get one. Meanwhile, call the police now and let them know.

  4. get a good look at them and call the police, also have the locks changed.

  5. Don't worry they were prolly just some stup!d Jehovah's Witnesses or something. Those doucheb@gs always knock on my door too......... If you like animals you can maybe get like a dog or something and teach him to bite on peoples nutz. That oughta show them.

  6. wow, thats super scaring. i will try to get a job and hire a alarm service .so you can pay them. Aslo next time be ready for them and get knifes in everyroom or get guns to protect you self and try to borow your uncle cell phone. Don't let them scare you you rstringer than that and try to set traps for them or try to see the time they come and if they do come always at the same time call the cops to wacth you house in that time range. Dont be scare call the cops and tell them they do care about people in this world.

  7. wow that's pretty creepy! Let the cops know what's going on before it happens again! But just in case I would keep a cell on me at all times and learn how to use a gun just in case!

    good luck!!!

  8. Call 9/11 and tell them that someone is trying to kill you, and get a alarm

  9. Wow

    I'm really sorry you had such a tough time being scared like that!

    Look,  these answers you 're getting are good advice (TELL your mom/ report it to the cops immediately/ keep your cell phone ON you/ change the locks ,etcetera..

    You need to do that stuff, but here's one thing no one said is a possibility..

    It may have BEEN the cops.

    They may be looking for someone, with a warrant, to arrest them.

    Does anybody have any restraining orders or anything?

    Is there possibilities like welfare fraud, or unpayed child support, or drugs, or anything???that the cops would be coming about?

    They DO come in like that, hon.

    Burglars and so on...might be more quiet than that.

    You need to find out from the cops if there are any cop activities that may have just happened to you.

    PLUS file a report anyway, if there wasnt.

    Keep the doors locked ALWAYS now.

    Put a camera on the entrances, and a notice that it is there(it might scare any bad guy away)

    Once again, I'm so sorry that happened to you.  I like you so well, and  it isnt fair for someone your age to have to be insecure in her own home.

    DEFINITELY tell mom, even if she doesnt "care about you", she WILL care about people breaking in her house, and so do something! And pay for it.

    You just make sure that you dont have to live feeling unsafe, above all,  ok?

    Thats your goal. To be free from having to wory about such things.

    Now tell your mom that

    and take my advice about the cameras!

    They're cheap and can attach to your computer...if anyone comes, they will go to jail.  

    Aw, Sunshine...  (hugs)

  10. Keep your phone with you when you're home alone, or keep it in the location near your hiding place so you can call 911 as soon as they get in.

    Report this immediately. Have the police open an investigation right now so that if things get worse they have leads.

    Do you have a webcam? A digicam? If they come in set it up on the way to where you are on the desk or something so that you can catch them on vid.

    Insist that the locks be changed. If your parents won't do it, ask the police to make them do it.

    Try to avoid scenarios where you are home alone, and invite friends over if possible when you would otherwise be alone. Keep the music on when you are alone. Loud enough so they may think you're not alone, but not too loud that you wouldn't hear them.

    If your parents have the money for this try to have a security system installed - that's a big step but may reassure you if they're willing and they have the money.

    TELL SOMEONE. Not just the police. You need witnesses! Try telling your parents. If they don't believe you tell friends, teachers, other family members. You need to tell them you are scared and ask them to watch out for you.

    Try to figure out how they got in. Did they leave marks on a broken lock? was the door left open? is it someone who knows your family who may have access?

    Keep the doors locked and windows closed when you are alone, and figure out an escape plan from different exits if anything happens, complete with a place to go.

    Notify your neighbors and ask them if they've seen anything. Ask them to keep an eye on the house when you're alone (from the outside).

    Get a guard dog if you can, to scare them off.

    It's ok to be scared and you should definitely use that to try and find ways to be safe, but try not to let it run your life either. Do what you can to be safe and do try to relax as well.

    Good luck and take care.

  11. Call the police.

  12. they came in b/c there was no response at the door if there was they would know someone was home so they wouldn't come in

    keep a phone with you at all times then if they do come back call the cops

  13. tell your mother!!! change the locks!!!!!!!!!!!!!................ call the cops........... hide!!!!!!

    good luck........

    im scared for you!!!

    it sounds scary

    but i think you should just start carrying a knife with you! NO JOKE

  14. next time (if there is one) when they knock tell them to stay where they are your calling the cops... also do you know what they look like?? if you do go to the cops and tell them what had been happening  and give them a discription etc. so they are aware of this. also buy a cricket bat, pepper spray and a big scary dog.

  15. I would get a deadbolt lock, and lock it every time you're in AND out of the house.  I would suggest purchasing some protection (gun, mace, taser...) just in case they break in before you get the lock. You could also get a security alarm. And if all else fails, get more phones so you can get to them in time to call the police.

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