
Scared for friend...?

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my friend keeps posting questions about a boy that doesnt even like her and shes really getting obssesed about it and i feel like an un-healthy habit is forming. i mean its kind of strange how he doesnt even like her and she just refuses to give up. how can i take her mind off of him?




  1. Been there done that! It's just a crush. I had one on a boy that danced with me once at a school dance and then I got a huge crush on him which unfortunately lasted 3-4 years but I was only 12 yrs old and it lasted till I was 15 until I got a boyf. Maybe she just needs to focus on someone else that does like her. Take her out to different places and keep her mind distracted from this guy. Don't talk about him try to talk about other guys that are nice and get her to meet lots of other different people. This may work.

  2. Hang out with her more and try and distract her... like take her to the mall and point out random boys saying, ooh look at him!

    Take her mind off it before it gets to far into this obsession.

  3. serious problem. had a friend like he's all depressed. end it now.

  4. just tell her to stop,maybe try to set up for a date with someone who knows she exists? lol good luck

  5. Try to sit down and talk to her, and explain the situation. Explain it calmly, and explain that you only want to help her. Tell her there's more than one guy out there. :] Hope it helps! Oh, and as to take her mind of him.. point out other guys! :]]

  6. get her a new guy, one that actually likes her

  7. talk about other guys

    saying how they are cute

    and tell her that she shouldnt like that guy and give her reasons

  8. Tell her to stop it, stop it right now!!

  9. find out what she likes and impress her

  10. I'd let the friend know so he can either further it by talking to her or end the mind games she's playing.
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