
Scared like you would not believe?

by  |  earlier

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. I’m 6 weeks 2 days pregnant and I just found out…im trying to stop smoking and I have cut back to 4 a day each day gets les and les. But I was smoking before I found ou like a pack a day or so and I also smoked something else…notw im afraid there will be something wrong with my baby with everything I have been reading. are there test out there for that. I mean that will be able to tell me if everything will be okay?




  1. You will be fine as long as you stop stressing, and stop the pot.

    I smoked during my 3 pregnancies, and all 3 turned out big and healthy. I also cut back. Going from a pack and a half a day, to 5-7 a day, right up to the days I delivered. My Dr. suggested this.

    If you want to continue quitting, I'd ask the Dr. first. Too much at once could be un-healthy for your baby. If you continue quitting, ease into it. Take it from experience, not from non-smokers who are clueless on the subject.

    Either way, good luck.

  2. Your baby will be fine. When my mother was pregnant with me in the late 60's everyone smoked and drank alcohol--including preganant women. You're good to be cutting down, but really, don't worry.

  3. go to the doctors. they'll know what to do.

  4. talk to your doc

  5. there is not a test you can take now.

    I am sure you and the baby will be ok... but do stop  it is harming your baby...even if it is just 1 2 3 or 4 a day.  please stop now.

    also, lay off the caffine drinks too.  caffine effects your baby's heart too.

    See your doctor ASAP... follow his/her instructions for a well healthy baby.

    congratulations a baby is a special gift of love.

  6. There's really no way to tell if everything will be okay with your baby; even people who are really healthy and careful during pregnancy can't be certain the baby will be fine.  Just keep cutting back on the smoking until you've totally quit, and eat as healthy as you can the rest of your pregnancy, and be sure to go to all your doctor's appointments.  Also, try not to worry; that's not good for the baby either.

    For what it's worth, my mom smoked during all her pregnancies, and we were all okay--early and small, but no major health issues.

  7. wow u should feel sry 4 yourself not asking other people to b sry 4 u cuz i am not it is ur fault u were on pot and toibacco thats ur prob u deal with it

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